Finally reached the ghost monument

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The others wandered off again because of course they would even though they are the only ones racing and we were just trying to find the Tardis. We came across this temple which seemed harmless but there were these robots. Probably to protect it not that it made any sense considering no one was here. Ryan had the stupid idea to shoot them when one collapsed thanks to the Doctor. I disabled it with my sonic and he sighed in annoyance.

"You would have been killed out there, why would their weapons be designed to destroy them also," I pointed out.

"Yeah I guess you might...," he didn't have a chance to finish his sentence because they were right outside.

We all got behind pillars, the Doctor motioned me over to hers. As soon as I noticed what she was doing I started to help out. It was ready within a few minutes and then we blasted them with an EMP shutting them all down. Honestly glad that worked otherwise we would all be dead and the Tardis would be phasing in and out forever being a ghost monument. We had been walking a bit following the tracker and walked down a path to meet up with Epzo and Angstrom again.

Epzo seemed to be injured and groaning in pain. I looked through what looked to be a medical cupboard I saw to find bandages and some wound cleaner. They seemed to be for people before then but I'm not sure what happened to them. The planet seems it has become too deadly to live so whoever was here probably died leaving it as a dead planet.

I guided Epzo to sit since it would be easier. He was grumbling about it though muttering that he could take care of himself. Except he was stupid enough to shoot at one of the bots so clearly he couldn't.

"I need you to take off your jacket please so I can clean and bandage your wound," I explained.

"I don't need a little girl to help me," he argued.

"Stop being so stubborn and just let her help you," Angstroms complained.

He didn't say anything after that and just did as I asked. I cleaned it using a small piece of the bandage. It was clean at least. I apologised every time he winced or sighed in pain.

"It's all clean, just need to bandage it now," I let him know.

I wrapped up his arm and made sure it wasn't too tight. I could see the Doctor smiling at me out of the corner of my eye. He put his jacket back on and we kept on walking.

"That was kind of you," she pointed out.

"Well he can't win if his wound gets infected, I didn't do it because I care," I replied.

"She is right, you're one of the nicest people I have met, you remind me of my wife, actually the reason I'm trying to get back home she's all I have left," Angstrom spoke sadly.

"I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you can be with her again, can't imagine losing the one you love," I spoke looking at the Doctor.

"You like her?" she asked.

"Huh, oh umm no we're just friends, I haven't known her long," she nodded not seeming to believe me

We saw the sunset after going up and we had one more sunset left. We went down through a hatch. We found out the rest of the information about this planet and how it became so dangerous. There wasn't much here but it seemed like they did experiments which is how the planet became so dangerous. It got out of control and the water was meant to be self cleaning but it didn't work out and went wrong like all the other experiments they did.

We had to go up quickly because of the robots being close behind. They cut off the life support so we were running out of time. We found a hatch we quickly left through. The Doctor and Ryan coming up after us. The cloths we had noticed all over the surface were moving now. It seemed like there was no way out but I noticed the Doctor was digging with her foot. I started doing it too and got the others to the same. We ignored the cloths as they tried to speak to us.

"Poor Angel, all alone with no family so much pain buried beneath the surface," I looked down.

"I can feel your heartache, your fear and your confusion trying to figure out your past but knowing you'll never see your parents again because they are gone, let us end your pain," they were right.

No matter if I got the answers I knew my parents were gone. I got all the answers I needed. I knew I was from Gallifrey and a little about timelord physiology. The more I find out, the more pain I have. The planet is gone.

"Don't listen to it hun, you have your friends and your family are never gone they are still with you," I smiled at her, that was true I couldn't leave the Doctor alone especially when I was one of the last ones I had to keep going.

I gave the Doctor the cigarette knowing it was probably useful for something. I got it off Epzo as I was helping him. She smiled at me before throwing it in the air.

"Down!' she shouted as she clicked her fingers.

The cloths were engulfed in flames and we crawled from under them. We continued walking and just as the sun was rising we had made it to the point of where the ghost monument was. I didn't see it anywhere though, where we too late? This was the last sunset, I didn't say anything so the others didn't get worried. The tent appeared again and we went in.

"Joint first, dual winners," Angstrom spoke as she took Angstroms hand.

"With witnesses," the Doctor added.

"What, no," he spoke in disbelief. "There's never been a joint winner of the Rally," he argued.

"There is now," I spoke up.

"No, I will declare the final race null and void," that didn't seem to be fair.

"Ilin, you've made this a living hell for us, I promise you that whatever happens, I will get off this planet, and if we don't get what we both fought for, I will hunt you down and ensure that whatever time you have left is both short-lived and agonising. Do we understand each other? Now, recognise your equal winners!" Epzo spoke angrily.

"Pay the prize, or pay the price," Angstrom threatened.

Those two seemed to be getting along now after all this but that was good, he seemed a little scared after their threats.

"I'm honoured to declare a unique joint victory... and equal split," I smiled at Angstrom.

"You get to see your wife again now," she nodded.

"Now, get us off this rock," Epzo ordered.

"Fine," he replied annoyed.

"And them?" Angstrom added.

He denied taking the other two and leaving without us. I wasn't sure what we were meant to do now and the ghost monument still wasn't here. Was it hopeless after all of this? The Doctor looked defeated. I took her hand and lifted her to look at me.

"Surely there's hope, we can do something," I tried to be positive.

"No Angel it's hopeless, I'm sorry for failing all of you, I promised you and I let you down," she was giving up after all this.

"We can wait, can't we?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah, we've got each other," Yaz confirmed.

"No, we'll be dead within one rotation," I spoke agreeing with the Doctor.

I sat down on the ground as they talked. Thinking about everything, all the memories I had. I lost everything and I saw the war. I would remember forever how it took my parents away from me. I would have rather stayed with them than live on Earth always wondering why I was always different. I didn't notice as the Tardis showed up.

"Angel it's here," Ryan spoke happily.

I looked up to see it was, he took my hand. I went inside with him not mentioning to any of then I was thinking of giving up. It was so beautiful here and I felt a little better. I closed the doors behind us as we went in. They all looked in amazement and I saw the Doctor offer me a custard cream. She seemed happy to be sharing so I took it.

She gave one to Yaz and to Ryan as well.

"Ok, you should have rooms so why don't you all rest while I get you home," she suggested.

We all went down the corridor to rest as the Doctor started to fly the Tardis back to Earth. I wasn't sure if I wanted to give up in that one moment but I knew I couldn't. They were right no matter what I found out I would never see my parents again but I also had a whole universe to explore. My story was far from over yet.

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