Rough landing

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I woke up with blurry vision at first and was in what looked like to be a pod. I got it open and fell out, I walked forward to see Yaz in another. I opened it and shook her a little.

"Yaz, can you hear me?" I asked.

She woke up slowly and looked around in confusion.

"Don't worry just me I think we're on a ship of some kind, that way is possibly to the main part," I guessed.

I saw the Doctor arguing with a guy, he didn't seem as if he was listening to her.

"What's going on?" I asked confused.

"Oh Angel, Yaz I'm so glad you two are ok," the Doctor spoke relieved.

"I can smell burning," Yaz pointed out.

"I need to get him to listen to me, but if it would be alright I need your help Angel otherwise we might crash," she told me and I nodded.

"I don't need a little girl's help, or yours when I can fly my ship perfectly well," he argued.

I looked at something outside that seemed very much like a planet. It seemed like we were getting very close to it very fast. I would likely say that we would hit it in the next 20 minutes and they were too busy disagreeing.

"We're getting close to a planet," I pointed out.

They turned around and the man looked confused as we were approaching it. Something weird was definitely going on but I wasn't sure. He was definitely stubborn but he had to get it together now we are crashing towards a planet. With how damaged the ship was it would be lucky if we made it into the gravity belt.

"How can it be there?" he suddenly asked after a bit of silence.

"Does it even have a name?" she asked.

"Only a symbol or a warning the closest word is...Desolation," ok well he talks in riddles too how amazing.

"Right I can do this. I am not going to be beaten," he denied. "Move!" he shouted pushing the Doctor out of the way.

"Oii don't even think about pushing her like that!" I shouted at him.

The Doctor and Yaz looked at me surprised. I was also kind of surprised maybe I just became overly protective maybe but it was hard to tell. I was still figuring myself out and it definitely wasn't easy. Especially since I was also figuring out about my past and trying to get my head around that I wasn't human. There was definitely a lot going on for me currently but I'm sure that it would be ok in the end.

"Manual shield activation, wow, this thing should be on Antiques Roadshow," the Doctor spoke brining me out of my thoughts.

I smirked at that but she wasn't wrong it looked like a pretty old ship. Most ships have automatic shields so why he was keeping this one I don't know maybe it meant a lot to him. I guess that made the most sense.

"Right, blast shields up, don't know how long they'll last for though," that didn't seem good though.

"Brilliant, about to crash land on Desolation, great grounds for optimism," I rolled my eyes.

Seriously they were still fighting, we had unstable shields and was about to crash into a planet with likely having none which means we would definitely die. There were too busy arguing which was wasting time.

You know what I leaned quickly and there was a book section probably information on the ship.

"Are we going to die?" Yaz asked worried.

"No Yaz we're not," I assured her.

I started looking through them before finding the specific one I needed. I saw Yaz look at me confused. I was a pretty fast reader and just went to the pages that I needed information on. Now I was pretty much an expert on this ship I could probably do a better job than he was doing. No one ever reads the instruction manuals even though there could be important information on it. I guess I can start taking control of the situation. I sat in the chair and took over the controls.

I saw there wasn't much fuel but I did see there was an extra part of the ship which is the place me and Yaz woke up. It seemed to be draining a lot of fuel so it made the most sense to jettison it. I realised then the ship plan had two release levers so someone would have to pull down the second. I looked at the man and the Doctor who seemed busy arguing so motioned Yaz over.

"I need you to help me release the back of the ship, it will save us fuel which I will divert to the shields," she nodded.

I got one side and she got the other, I counted down to three before giving her the go ahead. That was one issue sorted now just needed to divert the fuel to the shields which would make them last long enough for me to land.

I got back in the chair and with a few switches the shield was stable. I could see we were minutes away from the surface now. Yaz being human I got her to sit in the seat next to me and strap in.

"If I were you two I would hold on to something!" I shouted at the two of them strapping in also.

They looked at me surprised but didn't argue strapping into seats nearby. It definitely wasn't the most steady landing but we were in one piece which was the main thing. We all unbuckled and stood up.

"Wow Angel you managed to land the ship all on your own I'm proper impressed," the Doctor spoke smiling.

"No not wow what did you do to my ship!" he shouted annoyed.

"I think what you mean is thank you, we are alive aren't we and you two were busy at each other throats while Angel was working to save our lives, he seems like the type to argue but seriously Doctor in the time I have known you which I admit wasn't long I thought you were the one who cared more about saving lives than arguing about the state of a ship," Yaz spoke to both of them.

The man walked off annoyed but the Doctor looked down ashamed. She scratched her neck awkwardly probably not sure what to say to that.

"Yeah you're right Yaz sorry you both and since he won't say it thank you Angel for well taking control of the situation and saving us all you did a good job," she spoke.

Yaz shook her head smiling before we both hugged her. She was pretty hard to stay mad at plus we were all ok and there was no need to focus on the past as long it didn't happen again.

"Now let's go, we have a planet to explore," I spoke rushing out excitedly.

"She reminds me a lot of myself, with everything that has happened to her in the past for hours she is taking it very well," I heard the Doctor say as they walked out.

"She isn't very open about her feelings so it's hard to tell, that obviously didn't change so whatever she is showing on the outside is probably not really how she is feeling," Yaz replied.

I ran up to Ryan glad he was ok, he also seemed relieved to see me. We had a hug and I was just so happy to see him I thought I lost him and I wouldn't know what I would do if that was the case.

"I'm so relieved you were ok, I thought I lost you sis," I pulled back from the hug and gave him a smile.

"This is me we're talking about you don't need to worry about losing me," I promised.

The Doctor and Yaz came over to us, it was good to have not gang I guess we would come up with a group name later on for now we have to find the Tardis wherever it is I felt like it would be here.

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