Makes more sense now

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The police car is parked on the curb. Yasmin was still inside while we were all standing outside of it. It seemed like a good idea to be here to figure things. I certainly didn't like two strange things in the same night and I think the woman was a bit weary of it also. She seemed like she had dealt with these kinds of things before.

"Two weird things in one city on the same night, makes me nervous," she spoke out loud.

"Yeah it is definitely weird, I feel like they could be connected somehow maybe," I guessed.

There was no true evidence to suggest it but it was a possibility. Just depends why they would be connected. Why would someone need that? I didn't scan it so it was hard to tell what it was. Clearly something that hasn't been here. I didn't find any information on it.

"I'll see if there's been any more reports on that object," Yaz decided bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Good because we need all the information we can get, meet us back here," the woman instructed.

Yaz nodded before driving away, the woman didn't seem to look ok. She seemed a lot paler than before and looked exhausted which made sense because she did fall through the roof of a train, who wouldn't be though.

"I can have a word with some of my old pals from work, if you want to know what's happening then ask a bus driver," he loved saying that if you put that on a t-shirt he would probably be happy.

"He always says that," Ryan rolled his eyes.

"Yeah that's cause it is true, I'd still be doing it now if I could," he argued.

"I can search for weird stuff on social media," that seems good to do people always go straight to social media if they see something strange not sure why though.

The Doctor nodded at this and Grace mentioned checking in her nurse WhatsApp group. I wasn't sure what I could do. I guess I could just keep an eye on the Doctor because she really didn't look too good.

"Seriously though, aliens?" Graham asked.

"Yep," she agreed.

It was weird but Grace didn't seem phased at all by this alien thing. It made me a little suspicious, I felt ok with it weirdly enough but I wasn't a normal human. Graham walked off to find the place the bus drivers hung out. The woman really didn't seem ok. She fell forward a bit before pulling herself up, I stayed nearby in case.

"Suddenly I feel . . . really tired," she realised.

She began breathing heavy and her heart...nevermind that's two loud for one. So she's an alien with two hearts and I'm not even sure how I can hear them. Ryan and Graham were the only ones being normal about the whole alien thing. I shook myself out of thoughts as I noticed the woman fall backwards and caught her in my arms.

'It's ok I got you'

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion before she completely passed out.

Time skip

I was watching over the woman drawing the tentacle creature since I had nothing else to do. There hadn't been any aliens recently. My last page was on the daleks who seemed to invade Earth a lot. I did an art course last year out of boredom and got pretty good. Ryan sat next to me and watched me.

"Guessing that's the tentacle creature, did you scan it with the device?" he asked.

"No didn't get a chance to but it's definitely not alien from the looks of it, J feel like we will probably see it again though and that time I will make sure to scan it," he nodded.

I put my diary aside and sat beside the woman seeing weird glowing energy from her, whatever she was I definitely had not read about. Grace came in putting a blanket on her. She didn't seem phased at all by the glowing energy. I didn't say anything though and was about to get up to put diary away. I felt I had to ask something though her acting normal about this alien stuff made no sense.

"How are you acting ok with all of this when Graham and Ryan are acting normal about this?" I asked.

"Don't know what you mean?" she asked.

"You're acting like this is every day for you," I pointed out.

"Ryan knows more than he is telling," she said before walking off.

I looked at him is disbelief before rubbing upstairs. He's been lying this whole time then, do they all know my parents or something. Are my parents not from Earth or something. That isn't possible I've seen the alien movies I would also be alien in that case and I'm human looking. I heard the woman and Ryan talking. I heard a knock at the door.

"Yeah...," I replied sitting up and wiping my eyes realising I had been crying.

Ryan sat down with me and gave me a piece of paper. I looked down confused before going to open it but he stopped me.

"Before you do I just want to say I'm sorry for not saying anything, this paper is a note your mum left for you, they heard us talking though and got me to translate it that was one day when you were in school, I wanted to say something but our nan she wanted you to have a normal life and didn't want you to find out about this since you're young," he seemed very guilty.

"It's ok Ryan I understand," I assured him.

I opened it and started reading it to see what it said. It explained how I was an alien and my mum didn't want to but gave me up because of a war. The paper had tears and the writing was shaky. I guess she must have wrote it while we were travelling here. It didn't say much I guess she was checking up on me a lot to make sure I was doing ok. It had the name of my language though but stopped after that probably because we made it there.

"I know it's not much but you know more than you did before?" he pointed out.

"Yeah so that's why Grace is ok with aliens... because I'm one," I understood it more now.

"There's nothing to say what the planet is or what species you are but she was probably looking after you or because there was too much to explain your birth year was 1911 apparently so your technically 113 in human years anyway not sure what your age would be on your planet," that didn't make sense.

There was probably more information she couldn't tell me for example how I was a baby on Earth. I guess I would find that out somehow maybe she knew I would.

"Anyway we should find the tentacle creature," the woman pointed out.

"Bring your diary Angel we probably won't be back till later," Ryan pointed out.

I nodded before getting it and the woman looked interested. We all got back in Yaz's car. Grace and Graham sat in the front. I sat between Yaz and the Doctor. Ryan was sitting behind us three. We got strapped in before Grace started the car and we were on our way.

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