The tent

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We were following who we now knew as Epzo and Angstrom. We weren't sure what was going on. They didn't seem to get along. It was honestly pretty warm though. My vision got spotty occasionally, I was starting to feel tired now that I calmed from everything that happened but I had to keep going. We were still having to find the Tardis.

"You ok there?" Yaz asked.

That made everyone turn towards me and the Doctor looked at me worried. I smiled and nodded even if I was getting slightly dizzy. We can't stop because those two were determined to get to wherever they were planning on and we couldn't lose them if they were our only way to the answers plus they seemed sure of directions.

'Angel you really ok?'

I looked towards the Doctor and nodded but that didn't help at all. I just wish my body would hurry up and get adjusted to this already. The Doctor fainted but surely rest was needed and I could adjust without it. It's probably just the heat and my temperature trying to learn how to regulate in my new body. We made it to what looked like a tent and went inside. I sat down to get a breather my heartbeat felt like it was going throughout my body. I felt tired but I just ignored it.

There was no time for rest right now and I could do it later when everything was ok. After sitting down for a bit I walked around. No one was really paying attention to me and they were too busy talking. I didn't listen much was focused on finding something that might help us but I did hear them say it was a race. That made sense now how they were acting with each other. I had a sudden moment of exhaustion falling against the table. I just ignored it and stood back up again.

I could rest afterwards for now all that mattered was getting answers about this place and finding the Tardis. I found what looked to be a tracking device on the table. I took it feeling like it might be useful. There were only two of them and we needed some way for directions in case those two got ahead of us. I heard the man say that we had two sunsets to go which was great so we were on a countdown. Also mentioned to not be outside at night. Wherever we had to go next we had to do it quickly.

I went back just as those Epzo and Angstrom went in, they didn't waste any time with going so it was probably a good thing I got one of the tracking devices. It looks like we had to go as well. He agreed to show her something called a ghost monument. Kind of sounded like something from religion but ok.

"That's an old police box," Yaz pointed out.

"Wow that's amazing observational skills there Yaz," I spoke and she rolled her eyes at me smiling slightly.

We left the tent and he didn't even say goodbye.

"Well that was rude, he definitely isn't a great host," I joked.

I started to feel really tired again and it was getting harder to push it back. They were talking but I wasn't paying that much attention really. My mind was working over time currently so it was hard to focus on anything. Wait the tracker thing that was probably important to remember to give to the Doctor. I should give it to her now while I remember otherwise I might forget. I got it out of my pocket.

"Here, it's a tracking thing, we can get around now without those two arguing the whole time," I gave it to her.

"Thanks, you seem really quiet and you're not usually it could just be a part of the new you but you seem really tired," she pointed out.

"Yeah I'm all good probably a little tired but I'm sure I can handle it until we find the Tardis," I replied.

"Ok but if you need a break let me know, there's no point in being strong," I smiled.

"I don't have time to rest we only have two sunsets and we have to get in before sunrise," I pointed out.

"True but I can carry you," she told me.

"That would slow us down," she laughed in disbelief at that.

"You're not that heavy Angel and you've probably noticed our kind has more strength than a human," that's true I did.

"Yeah I guess I can't argue with that," she smiled smugly at me.

We started following the tracking device to our next destination. Hopefully it would be better than the tent. That man was rude and he didn't smile once during the time I was in there. I may be tired but I'm not blind. Hopefully Epzo and Angstrom would also get it together we only had each other on this planet and it was a race against time before sunrise. Whatever comes out at night I doubted we wanted to meet.

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