Chapter 2

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I saddled Storm once I got to the stable and put the rest of the tack on him. I then took his reins and led him out of the stable before jumping on and made him start going towards the forest, our favorite place to go at night. I patted Storm's neck as we slowly made our way towards it and the mountains that rose up all around it.

We soon found the trail that lead us farther into the forest and ascended upon it. We went through many twist and turns in the dark forest only the moonlight and stars giving us enough light for us to see by. I knew it wasn't safe to travel down paths that we haven't done before so we stayed clear of them, because we could become lost and not be able to find our way back till morning.

We walked these trails for about an hour and just as I decided that it was time to go home something spooked Storm, causing him to go on his back to legs. "Woah! Storm! Shh.. it's okay boy!" He neighed as I held on for dear life so I wouldn't fall then he took off running.

"Storm! Slow down!" I yelled as I held on with all my might on the reins and tugged at them to make him stop. "Storm!"

Storm kept running no matter what he tried to do. He must have been really spooked if he hasn't stopped yet. I could only wonder what it could have been for him to be this scared. All thoughts left my mind though when I saw a tree branch up ahead sticking out in front of me. I quickly ducked to avoid my head from being hit and also so I wouldn't be knocked off.

"Storm! Stop!" I yelled once more and pulled on his reins hard enough to where he finally stopped. I sighed in relief and put a hand over my racing heart to calm down then looked around to see where we were.

I didn't recognize the place where we were at all. We were surrounded by unfamiliar forest. It seemed to be getting the darker in this part or maybe it was just my imagination. It kind of looked creepy where we were at. Kind of like in those creepy movies where you're in the dark all alone in the middle of the forest and something happens. Yeah, that's kind of what it feels like now.

"Storm," I said quietly, "let's go." Suddenly, an owl hooted. I scream and almost had heart attack thinking I would die right then and then. I looked left and right to see if anything was there and let out a breath of relief seeing that there was nothing.

I scolded myself for being so scared over nothing. This could honestly be just a part of the forest that was dark, and had the feeling like something bad was going to happen, and the owl mysteriously hooting, right? Also add to the fact that there are many trees and many are tall and I have no idea where I am. Nothing could wrong. There was also nothing to be afraid of.

I only wished I believed myself.

All the while I stayed here, I felt like it was just getting creepier and that something was watching me, which wasn't good. At all. I took my phone out of my pocket to see if there was anyone that could come help me to my such great luck there were no bars or cell service. I groaned as I put my phone back and knew I would find no help whatsoever. "I guess it's just up to me and you boy," I told Storm and patted his neck.

I turned to go but then heard some rustling somewhere in the forest. I instantly froze, not having a good feeling. Slowly, my body turned towards the sound and starred in the direction it was coming from. That's when a man stepped out of the bushes and said one little word that left me in confusion.



Sorry chapter 2 isn't very long but to be honest, I could have added it onto the first chapter and made it longer, which was my original plan but I decided against it. Hope you enjoyed it anyways. Also if you liked it...




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