Chapter 37: (Part 1)

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My head was foggy when I came to. I felt myself wrapped up in strong arms and for a moment freaked out but I soon realized there were sparks and I felt safe and warm in their arms. It wasn't just a dream. It was real. I was rescued by Adam.

I relaxed into his arms when they tightened around me and I closed my eyes again, burying myself closer to him. I knew my experience wasn't going to disappear from my mind any time soon, I just wished it would.

"It's okay darling, shh..." Adam whispered. I turned toward him and buried my head in his chest. He brushed his fingers over the back of my head many times, calming me further.

I really missed this. Him holding me. I wish I never left or got mad at him in the first place but I did have a right to be.

My mind then started to wander off to my capture and then to Dominic's actual plan on what he was going to do to me. He had more planned then just turning me into a vampire. He told me bits and pieces thinking I was never going to escape and then I heard it in hush whispers but I bet he was planning on me hearing those too. They weren't exactly a secret.

My mind was brought back out to the present and I let myself show more weakness as I buried my head into Adam's chest. "I hope Dominic rots in hell. He deserves it." I let my hate for him seep out through me voice. Dominic really did deserve it for everything he has done to me and other girls.

"He will," Adam agreed and pulled back to look down at me, "I'll make sure of that."

I wish that were so, I just didn't know if it were possible. Dominic was dead and nobody knew what the afterlife brought, at least I didn't know what it was like for the werewolves. If they have a heaven and hell, Dominic should go to hell. I know it is not good to wish that on people but my life was now changed. I couldn't help thinking of that.

It was then my stomach decided to go on a rampage growling deciding it was hungry. I've had food, but not much, mainly enough to keep me alive. Now that I was here, I could just imagine all the food I could eat.

Adam gave a little laugh, "are you hungry? I can go make you something to eat."

I nodded in reply, "yes. It doesn't matter what. I don't care."

"Okay," Adam replied and got up from the bed. Before he could go to far, I stood up also not wanting to be alone without him.  He was my comfort and he felt like home. I was not going to part with that feeling any time soon after not having it for a long time.

I walked with him to the door but before I could get to far, he swept me up in his arms. I didn't complain. Instead, I snuggled closer to him in his chest, feeling at home and very comfortable. This is one of the best feelings I've ever had. No other feeling compared to this.

I was soon put down on the couch in the living room. I did not mind though, I had easy visual to the kitchen, even if the couch faced the opposite way. I laid down against it, feeling more content then I had in a long time and my worries seemed to disappear for a moment. I just wanted to relax and forget everything that had been going on before, so I did just that, trying to think of other things.

I knew my life wouldn't be the same as before, but I could try. Before I knew it, Adam had put a plate beside me and I was eating. I must have been so deep in thought I didn't notice anything else; also probably because halfway through I turned on the tv. I needed to catch up on my tv shows after all.

"Thank you," I murmured halfway through my dinner happily. Adam sat beside me eating his own food. He made grilled cheese. Yum!

"I hope you don't mind," Adam replied when we finished eating, "I invited Lia to come over and keep you company for a little while. There are things I have to take care of. I don't want to leave you alone, but I need to do these things."

I just gave a nod, "sure, I'm fine with that." It would be nice to see Lia again. I missed her, she was a true friend. "When will she be here?"

"Within the hour," he answered. With that, I sat my plate down to be taken care of later and snuggled up close to Adam, wanting to be close to him for as long as possible.

We sat there for awhile until Lia showed up through the door. I knew Adam must of let her in somehow but I decided not to think about it.

I smiled when I saw her and got up to go hug her when Adam commented, "I also  have a guard posted just so you know. You'll be safe." He came up to me and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back, his body warm and embrace inviting to stay in all day. He kissed my forehead and continued, "I'll be back soon. Don't worry." Then he left. I watched him go before turning to Lia.

"So. What should we do?"


I'm curious, how many to, too, and/or twos can you fit into one sentence that actually makes sense? That was a random thought I had today when I wrote a sentence, on accident, with seven of them.

Eh. Not the best chapter but I decided to hurry up and update since you guys have been waiting awhile. I think I may now just update once a week now. But this month is going to be very busy for me so I may not even get the chance to do that either. I'll do my best. Hope you enjoy!




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