Chapter 26

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The guards led me a different direction then I came and I was confused. Were they not taking me back to the cell? As they continued leading me down many halls, realized they were bringing me to a different room. But what kind of room would it be? Would it be worst than the one before? It had to be because she was his prisoner.

Oh Adam, I thought and cried silently, where are you? They may not be on the best of terms right now but I desperately hoped he would come and find me when he realized I was missing. I didn't let the tears fall, not when I was around anyone. I needed to show them that she was strong, not a weak little person they thought I was, though that is how I felt.

Soon we stood in front of a door. I had been so lost in my thoughts, I didn't even noticed when we stopped. They opened the door and I was pushed in by the guards before I realized what was happening and when I turned around to look at them, they swiftly shut the door and I heard a click.

I ran to the door and pulled on the handle. It was as I feared, they had locked me in. It was then I let the tears fall, letting my head rest against the door.

I pull myself together after what seemed like an eternity and turned around to face the room. I was, well, shocked when I saw it wasn't worse than the cell but an actual room. It looked like everything I needed to get by was in this room, plus more. A bed, a closet full of clothes, and a bathroom.

On the bed, I noticed a dress was laying out. It was deep red that matched my hair color and looked like a similar style of dress I was currently wearing, thankfully not see through.

I hated it, other circumstances I might have liked it but knowing they were forcing me to wear this for their enjoyment made me hate it. I could already see what Dominic might do to me and the way he would look at me while I wore that dress.

If it was up to me, I would be choosing a different dress that wasn't so revealing but the trouble I would be in if I didn't show up in that thing was something I did not want to know.

Suddenly, the door opened behind me and I spun around to see a girl come in. She was a short girl, about 5'2, with brown hair and eyes. She also looked like she was shy because her head was pointed down to the ground and she said softly, "miss, I'm here to help you get ready. Master's orders."

For some reason, I took an instant liking to this girl even though I hardly met her, much less spoke to her.

But I decided to take a chance anyways. I crossed my arms and looked at the girl. "But what if I don't want to?"

The girl looked up in alarm, eyes wide. "Miss, please no. Do what he says. You do not want to find out what will happen if you go against his orders. Trust me. He'll do it to both me and you."

Now I felt really sorry for the girl and I uncrossed my arms. "I'm sorry. I wasn't actually going to do it. I was seeing if my suspicions were correct and they were."

The girl visibly let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you. Now, we must hurry. There's not a whole lot of time. I'll go get your bath started while you undress." She quickly scurried to the bathroom and I could hear the bath as it turned on.

She wanted me to... what? Sure, I could take off the dress because it was already see through and there wasn't much to imagine, but my undergarments? No. I could not be naked in front of her. It was way to uncomfortable.

She came back out and when she saw me she said, "miss, you must take off your clothes, now. You must bathe and I must help you. Master's orders."

It seemed she wasn't fazed by any of this when I went to argue that I could do it myself but she argued she had to help. Eventually I gave in but I went into the bathroom and closed the door and got into the tub. It gave me the illusion at least she wouldn't really see me until she came in and sat down behind me.

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