Chapter 19

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"So, do you know by chance what we are having for dinner?" Adam asked me with his terribly handsome devilish smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes in response. "You, my friend, are just going to have to find out." I patted his chest for good measure with a smirk of my own.

He pouted and grabbed my hand just as I was taking it away from his chest. "What? Not boyfriend. Munchkin, I have to say I'm very heartbroken at that."

I rolled my eyes once again at his use of pet names but ignored it. "Well to bad. Live with it, because you know I'm your girlfriend so there really is no reason to fret over it."

"You're right," Adam said lowly, "I'm sorry kitten." He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me to him and kissed my forehead softly.

"It's fine," I replied and pulled back, "now let's go." I then grinned and started running, "I'll beat you there!"

I heard him laugh and footsteps crunch on the gravel behind me. I turned and saw he was right behind me! I laughed and ran faster and somehow managed to beat him. I turned around with a raised eyebrow and accused, "you let me win."

"So?" Adam asked not even denying it, "what if I did?"

I just gave a shrug in return, "I don't care, I still beat you." With that, I turned and opened the door to the house without bothering to hold it open or invite him in as anger for him letting me win. He would just come right inside anyways, so it was really no big deal because he was already invited here to have dinner and everyone knows he's here.

"Hey mom, hey dad!" I greeted them both with a giant smile when I walked into the dinning room.

"Hi sweetie," mom replied with a soft smile of her own. "I'm glad you're back. How was it?"

Knowing she was talking about being at Adam's house, I answered, "it was fun. Adam even showed me his tree house. It's so cool! It's like an actual house in the trees!" Adam showed up behind me at that moment but I didn't say anything and continued on with the conversation.

Dad perked up at that from where he was, sitting on a chair at the table reading a newspaper. "Really? That ought to be awesome. I wish we could do that but sadly we can't. Plus, we don't have any reason for it anyways."

I shrugged and asked them, "so, what've ya'll been doing while I was gone?"

"Nothing much," my dad answered, "same old, same old. Except that Tanner seems to have a girlfriend now."

"What! Since when?"

"Since a few weeks ago apparently," mom replied, "he's been keeping it a secret from us all. But he won't say why. It's none of our business anyways. He'll tell us if he wants too."

Looking around, I saw that he wasn't here. "Where is he?"

"At a friends house," mom answered once again, "we know he would just pester you and Adam since he is your brother and we didn't want him around for this dinner. So now it's just us and you two!" She clapped her hands excitedly with a ginormous smile.

"Now, how about we get this dinner started! I'm dying to get to know more about you and Adam!"

"Yes," my dad agreed skeptically, "let's."


Dinner went better than I thought it would. Afterwards, we had talked in the living room with the fire in the fireplace going on, laughing at some things and the others... well, let's just say my mom threatened to bring out baby pictures and I begged her not to because I was embarrassed. It took a while but she finally complied and gave up. Now, it was time for bed.

"Okay, it's time for you to go now," I quickly said and started pushing Adam toward the door in hopes my parents wouldn't say anything. It was already past midnight and I just wanted it to be quickly done and over with and not have to bother with his gloating because he got to stay. Hopefully I could avoid it by doing this.

"Oh Mia," my mom said and I stopped dead in my tracks, knowing what was going to happen next. "Let the poor guy stay. It's too late for him to be going home now. He can stay here for tonight."

I sighed in defeat and looked at her, "okay fine, where is he going to sleep?"

She looked at me funny, "why in your room of course." A mischievous smirk came on. One reason why I don't like my parents, they are always pushing me to get out and do more. Go on dates, and since this is my actual first boyfriend, my mom is now doing this to me. "But of course I and your father will be coming in to check up on you to make sure you're not doing anything. Besides, he can't have your brothers bedroom and we're redoing the guest bedroom so this is really the only choice. And I'm not going to be mean and make him sleep on the couch. I don't think he would fit on it anyways."

I groaned and said, "fine!" Not wanting to deal with this any longer. I can't believe that my dad was actually agreeing with this. I at least thought he would be exploding at this but he stayed quiet, probably because of the rule that he and mom would be coming in to check in on us. "I'm sure you already did this anyways at his home."

I blush in response and didn't answer. I turned around and walked off without a word. I heard them laugh and Adam followed right behind me.

"Don't make a sound," I said as I climbed into bed after getting ready. I pointed to the other side, "and stay on your side." 

Adam laughed and slide into bed. Resistance was futile because he ignored what he said and wrapped his arm around my waist. He kissed my head and I relaxed against him. "Goodnight, my love."

But I only heard the word goodnight before I fell asleep.


Yay! I'm done with this update. Tell me what you think!




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