Chapter 3

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I looked at him like he was crazy and asked, "what do you mean by mine and who are you? Where did you come from?"

He stepped farther out from the trees into the moonlit patch where I could see him better. He was actually quite handsome with golden hair with a touch of brown in it, making it a bit darker. He also had dark brown eyes, at least that's what it looked like in the light that we were in. I could be wrong.

I stared at him longer and was able to make out a body of a god. I couldn't think of anything else to describe it as. That was the closest thing I could think of. And to make matter worse, he was without a shirt, showing off an eight pack that he sported. Just looking at him was making my knees go weak. Why was I acting like this? I've never been this attracted to a guy before. At least I was sitting on my horse, otherwise I would have for surely fallen to the ground.

That wasn't even it. Besides his muscular body, and not in a disgusting way like bodybuilder type, he looked like he would tower over me if I just stood next to him. At my miserable height of 5'4, most people were taller than me. He looked around to be 6'5 or 6'6. Then he spoke, interrupting my staring at him.

"I'm Adam," he said to me lowly. His voice sent shivers down my spine and I didn't know why. "What's a pretty lady like you doing out here deep in the forest and mountains?"

"My horse got spooked by something and he ran off. I couldn't stop him until a few minutes ago." I then wondered about something and looked at him, "I could ask the same of you. Why are you here?" And dressed like that, I thought as it flew across my mind.

"I live around here," he answered me. I looked confused, I didn't think anybody lived around here so deep in the mountains. How did they get anything? Was there some kind of road that I didn't know about? There could be, I didn't know this part of the mountains after all. I wasn't anywhere near my house or land.

But I gave a sigh of relief because if he lived around here, then he would know the way back or out of here. He could help me somehow. Brightened by this thought, I asked him, "hey, do you know how to get out of this forest? Or at least the way I came?"

Adam nodded, "I do-, wait, what is your name? You never said."

"Oh," I said sheepishly, "I'm Mirabella, but you can call me Mia."

"Mia," he said with a small smile on his face, "I like that name."

Him saying my name set shivers down my back again and it did other wonders that I dared not mention. Shaking it off I asked, "okay, so, can you show me how to get back then?"

His eyes seemed to darken as I said this and he took a few steps closer to me and Storm. "Mine," he whispered out. There was that word again, I had no idea what he meant by it and he didn't tell me earlier even after I asked the question. He then seemed to gain his composure and said, "why not just come with me for the night. I live close to here. You can go back in the morning when there's more light."

I looked at him hesitantly, wondering if I should take him up on his offer before shaking my head. "No, I really should be getting back. My parents will worry if they don't see me at all tomorrow." They could probably think that for most of the day, until lunch, that I was out doing chores or riding Storm. But they could also think that I went to town and got something to eat also, which could give me some more time. But I shook my head clear of those thoughts, I really needed to get back.

A low growl erupted from chest and he took a few more menacing steps towards me. "You are not going anywhere. You are mine."

"Woah, hold on there buddy, I am not yours and I am not a possession. You can't force me to be anything. I am not yours," I repeated firmly.

"Oh, but you are my sweet mate," Adam told me with some kind of look on his face that I couldn't describe, "you are mine."

I just looked at him confused and thought that he was crazy, "I am not your mate, or friend, or whatever you may call it. Why even call me that? I think I'm just going to go now."

I turned Storm around to head in the direction I had came. "You are," I heard him say behind me, "and you are coming with me." I turned to look at him but he raced in front of us and turned into a golden wolf right in front of me. I stared at him shocked as Storm went on his back to legs and neighed. I was so shocked by this, I didn't feel myself let go and tumbled to the ground, fainting before I even hit it.


Well hey! Here's chapter three! I hope you all like it! Tell me what you think.




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