Chapter 10

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The next day soon came around and I waited anxiously for Adam to appear, hoping he would. Last night was so amazing, I couldn't' stop thinking about it.

Hopefully he was as excited to see me as I was to see him. I then paused, thinking. What was wrong with me? I've never acted so freely and comfortable around a guy before, never mind someone I just met. There was something seriously wrong. But I already knew him so well it seemed I had known him my own life. Plus, I just didn't care, I actually liked it.

Who knew I could ever feel this way about anyone? Especially so soon? I know I didn't but I liked it. I continued to groom Stormy with pride for my horse.

I looked up once more for him for it was almost one and I finally saw him pull up in our driveway. Grinning, I brushed myself off to make myself look more presentable before heading out to meet him.

"Hey," I said to him with a smile as he got out of his car.

"Hey," he replied back smiling at me, "how are you?"

"Great, you?"

"Amazing now that I'm here."

I blushed slightly seeing the meaning behind it and turned slightly so he wasn't able to see it. "So, should we get started?"

"Yeah, I guess we should."

I started walking back towards the stables and grabbed Rider out of his stall before putting his tack on.

I turned around to face Adam and saw that he was right behind me. Startled, I backed up to the stall wall and looked up at him.

His eyes seemed to darken as I looked at him but it must have just been my imagination for it was gone as soon as it came. He took one step towards me and caged me in with his arms. I looked at him wide eyed.

"Wh-what are you do-"

He silenced with a finger to my lips, "can I kiss you?"

I stared into his eyes and slowly nodded.

Not wasting a moment after I nodded, he bent down to my level and kissed me softly. My eyes closed and my arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer as I kissed him back just as soft. I felt his tongue on my lips, asking for entrance and I gladly let him in. We battled for dominance but of course he won and explored every inch of my mouth.

We he finally pulled back, I gasped for breath. It was amazing. It wasn't like any kiss I've had before and I just wanted to keep kissing him.

Slowly looking up at him, I saw a smirk on his face and I only smiled back which in turn made his smirk grow into a smile. "How was that?" Adam asked.

"Amazing," I said still breathless. I knew I was blushing but I didn't care.

He slowly stepped back with a grin which had came on his face when I said it was amazing. "So, should we get started then?"

"Yeah, I guess so. So, do you want to go on a trail ride today?"

"I think that would be fun," he agreed.

"Great! I'll just go saddle Stormy so we can leave."

He stepped aside and let me pass as I started saddling him. Before I got to far, I looked at him and said, "I think you should learn how to saddle a horse. It's a good thing to learn if you're going to be riding horses."

He nodded and came over to me, "so what do I do first?"

I instructed him and he did every little thing that I told him to. When he finally finished I told him to get on Rider so we could start heading out on the trail ride. He jumped on Rider and I got on Storm after we led them out of the stalls. I then told him to take his reins and follow my lead though Rider already knew what to do for the most part.

After we were on the trail, I relaxed and just enjoyed the fresh air. We were going through the forest right on one of my favorite trails. I looked over at Adam and saw him stiffen but soon relaxed after I gave him a smile.

We then started talking about ourselves and Iearned more about him then I thought there was to know but he seemed to be hiding something from me and I was determined to find out what it was.

"I love the forest," Adam told me, "I feel so free when I'm out here."

"Same as me, it's relaxing. It's almost like I never what to leave it."

We fell quiet for a moment before I asked, "so, where do you live?"

Adam looked a bit nervous and was about to answer me when Storm jumped up and I fell off him because I was so focused on Adam and his answer I didn't anticipate Storm doing that or the wolf staring out at us from some bushes nearby.


Sorry for the terribly long wait! School and dance is taking up so much of my time lately I barely have time to right. But anyways, how did you like this chapter? I know it's a bit short but it's something right?




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