Chapter 4

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I woke up to bright light streaming in through the window. I squinted and groaned. I overslept today, now I had to hurry up and get my chores done before lunch. And judging by the light, I didn't have much time. A few hours at most and I had a lot to do. A few minutes more in bed wouldn't hurt anyone though, right:?

Deciding to do just that, I buried my head in the pillow and closed my eyes again. Taking a deep breath in, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. This didn't smell like my pillow, this smelled more.... manily. Lifting my head up, I looked down at it and saw for a fact that it wasn't actually my pillow.

I then started to looking around, still confused. This definitely wasn't my room. If this wasn't my room, where the heck was I then?

The room was a modern looking room with tan walls, definitely not my purple ones. There were also some dark brown dressers and a huge mirror with the same color of frame on top of one that was long instead of tall. The bed matched the dressers but had a black blanket and white pillows and bedskirt. Next, there were three doors, one I bet that led to a bathroom, another to a closet and one more that led to the hallway, my freedom.

Everything suddenly came rushing back to me at that point, right after I thought my freedom. That one guy with golden hair that said I was his. Adam. I'm betting he took me after I fell off my horse after he... wait, he turned into a wolf! He was a werewolf! I needed to get out of here. Who know's what he could do and want with me.

I quickly jumped off the bed and bolted towards the door. I let out a breath of relief to see that it was unlocked. Taking my chances, I raced down the hallway as quiet as I possibly could and reached the stairs. Looking behind me, I was relieved to see that no one was there watching or following me. I then descended the steps, careful that they made no sound.

I stopped short at the end and looked around in confusion. This wasn't the first floor, I could tell just by looking out a window off to my left. The window was massive and when I looked out, I saw the biggest yard I could possibly see in the front of the house. Or at least I assumed it was the front. Shaking it off, I continued running, looking for another pair of steps to go down. My main concern was getting out of the house and into the woods before finding Storm, which I assumed he was at home anyways. I just needed to make sure that I got to the woods first and hopefully before I'm spotted on the yard by him.

Finally, finding another flight of stairs I raced down it. Just as I finished coming down the stairs, I looked behind me to make sure no one was behind me only to ram into something hard. I yelped in surprise and stumbled, almost falling down if it wasn't for someone wrapping their arms around me and pulling me into a wall. No, not a wall, a chest.

I visibly gulped as I stared at the chest, not wanting to look up because I felt like I knew what the eyes would be like. But I wasn't able to resist. Slowly, I looked up, chest, neck, chin, lips, nose, then lastly eyes. It was what I feared when I looked up into his eyes. They were angry, and somewhat a little dark. Like maybe black? Like they were turning black? I stared up at them in fear and tried to get out of his arms but to no avail, I couldn't.

I sighed as I gave up, for the moment at least, and looked up at him again hesitantly. "What do you think you were doing?" Adam exclaimed furious.

"Um..." I replied not knowing what to say, "nothing?"

"You were trying to escape," he said matter of factually. "You will not be leaving this place. Not without me by your side. Got that? You're mine."

I finally pushed away from him and glared at him, "I'm not anyone's. Especially not yours. So why not just let me go! I don't want to be here, especially with you!"

There seemed to be a little hurt in eyes but it vanished just as quickly as I saw it. He growled and before I knew what was happening, I was flung over his shoulder like a rag doll and I was staring at back.

I squirmed and pounded against his back as he started to walk back up the stairs.. "Let me go! I want to go home, please!" What will my parents think if I'm not back by before dinner and I didn't call them that I was going to be somewhere else? I kicked my legs wildly but that just made him clamp his arms on the back of thighs, stilling my movements.

I groaned in frustration and continued to pound on his back begging him to let me go. He seemed unfazed by my motives as I did this. I saw people pass down the hallway, ones that I didn't see before while I was running being too concerned to get away. But I could only make out their feet. I couldn't see what their faces looked like.

I suddenly felt so embarrassed. These people are seeing me for the first time as a person over Adam's shoulder. What do they think of me? I suddenly got to wondering how many other girls this guy stole and possibly used for his own entertainment. That thought brought tears to my eyes. I didn't want to be used, I wanted to be married first, not give up my virginity to some guy that kidnapped me by force. I decided this a long time ago after someone had tried to force me into doing it. It almost didn't end well for me but I ended up getting away. I then vowed to never do unless I truly loved someone and I knew they loved me or be married.

I furiously wiped the tears away as he went up the next set of stairs and soon we were in the bedroom I woke up in. I was thrown onto the bed shortly after and saw him turn around only to lock the door.

Oh boy, I thought, this wasn't going to be good.


Well here's the next chapter! I hope you enjoy it. Please...




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