Chapter 9 (Part two)

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I stared at myself in the mirror as I anxiously smoothed out my dress. I wasn't sure what to wear so I thought something casual but nice would be good.

I was wearing a white dress with sleeves made of lace and the bottom half, there was a lace design also. Around my waist, there was a brown belt, to go along with my cowboy boots. Cowboy boot are very comfortable so don't knock them till you try them.

I didn't know why I was so nervous, I never felt this way before on any of my dates. Even on those I was barely nervous so why was I on this one? Tossing my thought aside, I thought I looked pretty good to myself. It wasn't one of my usual date clothes, which was unexpected, but I also felt like I should do something different and special just for Adam. I just hoped that he liked it.

Looking over at my clock, I started to panic. Only fifteen minutes left until he arrived! What will he think when he sees me like this? This can't be good enough! Taking deep breaths, I reminded myself it doesn't matter what he thinks of me as long as I like it. Plus, we've only known each other for one day so there was really no reason for me to get worked up over it.

I gathered myself together and slowly made my way out of my room and to the living room to wait for his arrival. My parents already knew that I was going out on a date so they decided that they all would go out and see a movie for the night. They had already left so they could get the cheaper tickets because it got so much more expensive the later you went when more people could go. I'd imagine them just sitting down and eating some popcorn right about now. But I suspected that they also went so that my annoying pest of a brother wouldn't bother me while I got ready.

The doorbell rang, causing me to shoot up from the couch and rush to the door like the house was on fire. Looking through the window on the door, I saw that Adam was standing there all nice and dressed up. He was in some blue jeans and a buttoned up dark green shirt looking as nervous as hell. I chuckled lightly and opened the door to him with a small smile.

Adam stood straight up as the door opened and gave me the most brilliant smile I ever saw. "Hi, um... you look lovely tonight Mia."

I grinned, "you don't look to bad yourself."

His hand came out from behind his back and a bouquet of flowers appeared, "this is for you. I wasn't sure what kind of flowers you liked so I got mostly one of everything and even two with some that I think are prettier."

I took them with a smile as I looked up at his face and he seemed to be flabbergasted after he said the word pretty like he has never said it before. I thought it was quite cute. "Thank you Adam, I love them all. I'll just go put them in a vase right now. You can come in if you'd like." I turned and went to the kitchen, quickly grabbing and finding a vase as Adam followed me in the house.

As I sat the vase in the center of the table for now to bring to my room later after I got home, I asked him, "so, what do you have planned for tonight?"

"You'll just have to wait and see."

I turned to face him to see a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and replied, "alright then, since you're not going to answer me, we might as well get going." I was dying to know what it was but I just walked out the door instead and headed towards the truck that he had shown up in.

Before I could open the door, he rushed ahead of me and opened it for me. I gave him a smile as I climbed in and he shut the door after I was in. He then rushed to the other side, quickly climbing in, and driving out of my long driveway.

I just stared out the window as he drove to who knows where. We were going deep into the mountains, the road all curvy and rocky. Why were we going out here? There wasn't anything to do out here deep in the mountains, not that I knew of at least.

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