Chapter 50: (Part 2 Mature)

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Adam carried me up to the master bedroom bridal style. Liam was staying the next couple nights with Adam's parents so we had the whole place to ourselves for a few days for a little honeymoon before going back to our duties.

He sat me down on the ground when we reached our room. It was big, there was a king size bed on one side and two walking closets on opposite sides of the bed. In front of the bed, there was an entertainment center against the wall and a large flat screen tv. There was even a couple chairs in the corner of the room with a table in front of them. There was also a couple dressers to fill the space up. And on one side of the room led to a door with a balcony that looked over the pool.

Nerves filled me then. "I'll be right back," I told Adam and quickly walked to the bathroom to hide my nerves. I hoped I concealed them enough so he didn't notice how nervous I was.

The bathroom was large too, almost as big as my bedroom where I grew up. There was a separate shower and bath and a double sink. There was also a closet to put towels and things with a chute that sent dirty clothes to the laundry room.

I looked at myself in the mirror and told myself, "you can do this." I then started taking my make up off and slowly undid my hair. I steadied my hands as I did this, building my courage up. I then looked down at my beautiful dress. I didn't want to chance it being ruined so I took it off and sat it aside. I was now in my underwear and bra.

I looked up and it was then I noticed some clothes were on the counter. I walked closer to them to find a note on top. This should do the trick. A little extra present for your wedding night. ;) Though I advice you to only wear the cover and panties. Oh, and take these tomorrow morning. It wasn't signed but I new exactly who it was from. Slowly, I lifted everything up one by one. There was a cover and underwear like she said but there was also a bra. She even left a bottle of morning after pills.

I looked at the items, considering it before thinking heck with it. I might as well do it. I changed underwear and took off my bra. I was going to exchange them but decided to be brave and put the cover on instead of the bra also. The cover looked like the same design as my dress and covered the most important places but was mostly see through and didn't take much to imagine.

I looked at myself before decided to just go for it or I might never walk out of here. I may be comfortable with Adam but what we were going to do was something on a whole different level and I never tried anything beyond kissing him.

I walked out to find him taking off his tux and hanging it up to not get wrinkled. When he heard me, he turned and his eyes darkened instantly. He was now only dressed in a dress shirt and his boxers. I kept my eyes up at him. I remembered seeing that thing one time before and now I could only think of how that will fit in me. Will it even be able to? I didn't want to think about it now though.

He growled and strode over to me, pulling me into his arms. My hands fell on his chest and I heard him hoarsely whisper, "mine." He then crashed his lips onto mine and all I could think of was kissing him back.

My hand slide up to his blonde hair and grasped it. He seemed to approve as his hands slowly moved down my back, sliding the zipper along with it. 

It fell down to the ground and he pulled back to look down at me while I started unbuttoning his shirt becoming brave. I didn't think it was fair I was in almost nothing while he was still clothed. He gave an approved growl and kissed me again fiercely before moving to my neck and taking the rest of his shirt off.

I wasn't scared anymore as he slowly moved us back until I was laying on the bed under him. We battled for dominance but he won and he slowly moved his kisses from my mouth to my neck. I gulped in air and ran my fingers though his hair again and across his beautifully sculpted chest.

His kisses slowly trailed down down my neck and collarbone until his mouth latched onto my breast and started sucking on it. He held himself up with one arm and his other hand moved to my nipple and pinched it tight, rolling it around. I moaned at the sensation and felt heat pooling between my legs, smelling it, it encouraged Adam on and he bit my nipple before soothing it. He then switched breast and paid the same amount of attention as he did the other one. I grabbed onto his hair and held tight but he didn't mind.

When he finished, he trailed his kisses lower until he reached my underwear. With a growl, he ripped them off of me and spread my legs apart with his hand. His eyes eyes darkened as he sniffed the air, smelling how strong my desire was. He then descended on me and I let out a gasp as my back arched.

This was definitely better, like nothing I felt before. He licked me good, his tongue feeling a little rough. I started feeling a pressure build deep inside me and then he stuck a figure inside and I moaned louder as he started pumping. My body started shaking, being so close but he added a second finger, stretching me. He went at a faster pace, pumping and licking up the juices that spilled out of me.

I finally flew over the edge and let out a scream. He licked me and rubbed me as I rode out my high. When he finished he came back over me and kissed me while I was still in a daze, tasting myself on him. When he pulled away I noticed his boxers had disappeared and his little, or big, soldier was standing at attention. I stared up at him, my eyes wide.

As if sensing my concern, he kissed me again and said, "it's going to be okay. I promise. I'll be gentle." Stealing myself for what was to come I nodded to show him I was ready and he slowly pushed his way in. If there was one thing I could say, it would be that it hurt. I almost backed out because of how much it hurt but he continued on, slowly pushing in and making stops so I could adjust to his size. He did this until he was buried in all the way, filling me completely, and didn't move until I was ready.

When I gave the okay, he slowly started moving, keeping his eyes on mine the entire time. Slowly it melted away and I wrapped my legs around his waist letting him go faster. He did and pumped faster and faster where I couldn't feel the pain anymore, only the pleasure. I moaned and wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him down for a passionate kiss. Honestly, I never really understood why everyone always talked about sex and what the big deal was about it but now I understood. It was amazing, especially with the person you loved. 

I felt the feeling once again deep in my stomach much stronger this time. I moaned out, "faster!" repeatedly, wanting more. When it came close, Adam put his mouth to his mark causing much more pleasure to coarse through my body. The built up came up fast and an intense orgasm rocked through me as I yelled Adam's name.

I felt Adam tense up before releasing his seed into me yelling my name too. Once he was done, he pulled out and laid down next to me, wrapping his arm around me spooning me. I let out a yawn, I was tired after that one.

"You did great," I heard Adam whispered. Now we were connected as one through and through. "You can rest now."

I nodded and closed my eyes, deciding to take a little break. It wasn't long however before we started round two and let's just say that round was much more intense.


Here's your dirty little naughty scene for all you guys! I hope you liked it, I'm not very good at it but I tried my best. I hope it's better than my first version too in KbtA. Anyways, what did you think?




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