Chapter 14

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"Where are we going?" I asked as Adam dragged me to who knows where in the woods.

"Just wait! You'll see!" he exclaimed, "you'll love it, I promise." He continued pulling me along with him and I just gave a defeated sigh, letting him.

I wondered what was in store though, what was it that I would love so much? Where was he taking me? "Are we there yet?" I asked like a little kid.

Adam just chuckled at my voice, "no, but almost. Just a couple more minutes."

I sighed once again and let him pull me deeper into the woods. It wasn't long before I saw a form forming up ahead.

"Is that a tree house?" I asked before grinning large. It was so big! It took up two trees. There was two different building with a bridge connecting them in the middle to make it one large tree house and on one of the buildings, another building was coming off of it and there was a deck around all of the buildings. The buildings themselves were round. It was so cool. "It's amazing!"

Adam grinned and grabbed my hand again. "I knew you would like it. Come on, let's go up."

I quickly followed after him to the back of the tree house and he pressed a button on what appeared to be his key chain. I was amazed when steps seemed to magically appear out of the tree. They went all they way up and around the tree.

"Now, we can either use these steps," Adam told me, "or we can use this rope and climb up there with some of these holes for our feet. What would you like to do?"

"I want the steps," I said without hesitation. I didn't want to do more work than I had to. Plus, I didn't know for sure how good I would be on the rope. I felt like I would fall.

"Alright then," Adam said, "looks like we're using the steps. Ladies first." He gestured for me to go first and I did. Grabbing onto the railing that came out of the tree also, it looked so blended in with the tree when everything was inside it you couldn't even tell the difference if it was there or not, I started going up the steps.

I was really eager to see what it was like in the tree house. If they steps were any indication, the inside would be amazing, if not more.

I looked back to see if Adam was following or not. He appeared to sprinkle something like gold dust at the trunk of the tree before following me up. I shrugged, not really thinking it was that important. It was probably something that helped the tree because there was these steps that came out of them, maybe it helped it stay alive. I turned back around and continued making my way up the steps.

Once I made it to the top, I opened the gate and stepped up onto the deck. I turned around waited for Adam. I called down to him though he wasn't so far behind me, "hurry up slowpoke!" I laughed.

"Oh really? You think I'm slow?" I looked at him in confusion, my laughing having stopped for the moment, when he lunged at me with a smirk on his face. I squealed and jumped back and away from him. He just barely missed me. Laughing again, I ran around the deck to get away from him.

"I'm going to get you!" He called after me. Almost as soon after he said that, I felt his arms wrap about me and pull me to him. "Got you," he whispered.

"No!" I yelled and struggled to get out of his arms but it was a useless attempt. He wouldn't budge from letting me go. I soon gave up and rested against him.

"Now do you give up?" he chuckled.

"I guess, for now. But don't think I will the next time you try something like this."

"I'll keep that in mind," Adam chuckled once again, "now how about we go inside the tree house so you can see it?"

I nodded eagerly. "Yes."

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