Chapter 12

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I woke up with a yawn and a smile on my face. It was one of the most rested nights I have ever had and I didn't want to wake up from it because it was so peaceful and good. I closed my eyes to see if I could get some more sleep in and go back to the amazing dream I was having. I took a deep breath in and my eyes flew open, it did not smell like my bed at all.

Black blankets were on top of me and a heavy weight was on my waist. Confused, I looked behind me only to see that it was Adam, right up against me, asleep.

I let out a piercing scream which woke him up right away and fall off the bed. If it wasn't for the situation I was in right now, I would have laughed my butt off but alas I didn't.

He groaned as he rubbed his head when I looked down at him. "Ow... what did you do that for?"

"Y-y-y-you," I stuttered horribly. Probably the worst stuttering I've ever done in my life. "You were sharing the same bed with me." I wished I could turn invisible right then to escape this embarrassment that I was feeling. This was very foreign to me for I have never shared a bed with a person before, well okay, minus my best friends, but not a guy!

Adam groaned as he got up from the ground. "Yes, I was, because this is my bed. I would have slept somewhere else but my bed is so comfortable and I thought that it would be big enough to fit us both perfectly fine."

I lost what he said about halfway through. This was his bed? Then where was I? I looked around the room and a thought suddenly popped into my head. Wait! I'm in his house! But why? Why didn't he just take me home?

"Why am I here?"

"You fell off your horse and blacked out ag- and since we were actually closer to my place, I took you here because I thought it would be the safest and easiest way to get you rested and healed."

I tilted my head,  buying what he was saying, "okay. Have you contacted my parents yet? Do they know that I'm okay?"

Adam nodded, "I have. And they know that you are okay. As long as you get better soon, it's okay for you to stay here until you're healed. You had a nasty cut so you might become a little woozy if you do anything to suddenly. So it's best if you stay here for a day or two before going home."

I was about to open my mouth but snapped it shut thinking about something, a day or two? Why would my parents let me stay here with Adam and be perfectly fine with it? They would normally never do anything like that. They either trust Adam a whole lot or trust me not to do anything. But it was probably both. Especially because I won't go far, not till after marriage because I promised that to myself a long time ago, also, because it's a good reason because of trust. If they can't wait for you until after marriage and respect that, then they are no good for you.

"Where's Storm?" I thought suddenly. So many thoughts keep piling into my head I can't keep track of them all. I have a ton it seemed like, a never ending list. "Is he okay? He's not hurt is he?"

"No, he's not," Adam answered, "he's at our stable right now along with Rider."

"Stable? But I thought you didn't know how to ride horses? Why do you have a stable for horses if you don't know how to ride them?" I recalled.

Adam chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck as he sat on the bed, "well, I kind of lied about not knowing how to ride horses becauase I wanted to get to know you. I had seen you one day and instantly thought you were a great person, especially after how my little cousin came back one day saying how great you are and kept going on and on about you. You seemed so nice, I just needed to learn more about you. I'm sorry if that was wrong of me and I hope you're not mad at me."

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