Chapter 15

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"So, we have milk, orange juice, and water. What of those do you want to drink?"

I thought for a moment. They all sounded really good. "I don't know, maybe orange juice for now until you make me something to eat. That is, if you are able to cook." I grinned teasing him. Truth was, I didn't know if he could cook or not, I was barely able to. I only knew how to cook the food that I love, which wasn't that bad actually. I didn't burn anything at least. I might not be able to cook, but I could bake. Like really bake. I couldn't wait to try and bake Adam something and see the look on his face when he tried it.

"Yes, I can cook," Adam told me with a wicked grin, "and your going to love it."

"And what if I don't?" I asked teasingly with a wicked grin of my own on my face.

"Then I'm going to have to punish you."

My jaw dropped. But since I was curious, I asked, "how?"

"By tickling you of course. I know you hate it but I love it."

I glowered at him. He had found out on our date that I was ticklish and now seemed to keep wanting to do it. He really did know that I hated, so he was saying the truth about that, but I did also kind of like it because it was him that was doing it. I would really hate it if it was anyone else but him.

"Then make something good because I don't want to be tickled."

He saluted to me, "yes ma'am. Whatever pleases you." He then turned and started getting out ingredients for whatever it was he was going to make and started cooking it.

"What are you cooking?" I asked him once he got a bit into it.

"It's a surprise. I'm not going to tell you right now. You'll have to wait and find out."

I crossed my arms and glared at him, "you know I hate surprises. You found that out the last time but at least I ended up liking it. So that's a plus. Now you better make sure I like this one."

"Yes ma'am," he repeated as he continued cooking.

I let out a dramatic sigh and sat down in a chair. "Fine."

I waited for him to finish whatever it was that he was making and looked at my nails to past the time. The smell wafted in through my nose and heard the sizzling and I thought it smelled so good, but I didn't peak to see what it was because I knew it would ruin the surprise and Adam would not like that. No matter how much I wanted to.

I looked around the tree house also, taking in more details that I hadn't already before. There wasn't much that I hadn't already seen but extra decorations. I didn't have much time to take more of it in when Adam suddenly set a plate down in front of me.

Startled, I looked up at him and saw his signature grin on his face before looking down and seeing what he had made me. I almost moaned because it looked so good and one of my favorite meals of all time. It was steak and what looked like to be homemade french fries.

"This looks amazing!" I beamed up at him.

"I would hope so. I made specially for you. Now go on, take a bite and tell me what you think of it."

I glanced back down at my meal before nodding in agreement. I lifted the fork filled with a bite of steak and put it in my mouth.

The heavenly juices flowed into my mouth and I closed my eyes at how amazing it was. "You should be a professional cook. This is amazing."

Adam chuckled, "okay. If you say so. But I'd rather not. I'd rather just cook for you. What better way to spend my cooking skills than using it to cook for my girlfriend?"

I choked on the next bite I had taken. I took a drink of my orange juice he had given me earlier and stared at him wide eyed. "Girlfriend?"

He nodded, "yes, girlfriend. Don't you want to be my girlfriend? I know we never said anything but I didn't know how else to bring it up."

It took me a moment to answer but when I did, I nodded with one of the brightest and widest smiles I've ever given and grabbed his hand, pulling him toward me and giving him a hug. "Yes, of course. I would love to by your girlfriend."

Adam pulled back but that was only to give a brush of a kiss on my lips. I almost begged for more when he pulled all the way back but I refrained myself from doing so. Besides, I was hungry and really waned my food. If you try separating me from my food, things do not end well.

"Are you going to eat?" I asked instead when I took a bite from the steak.

"Yeah," he answered as he grabbed his own plate, almost doubled the size of my plate with the food piled up high and sat down next to me.

It wasn't long when we had both finished eating. Even though Adam had way more food than me, he had actually finished around the same as me. He was a guy so it made sense. But I knew that there was no way that I could ever eat as much as him.

I leaned back in the chair with a sigh and sat my hands in my lap as I looked at him. "So, what do we do now?"

"You can go into the living room and wait for me there while I finish cleaning up. It won't take long so please, don't even try arguing with me." And arguing was just what I was about to do but snapped my mouth shut as his request.

"Fine," I let out a sigh and stood up. "I'll be in the living room." I walked over to the couch and sat down. Since it was an open floor concept, it was fairly easy to do this. I didn't have to walk around any walls or anything. All I wondered was what else there was around here that could be fun to do with him. I hoped to find out soon. It's just that now, I had to wait for him to finish cleaning up before we could do anything else.


Okay, I'm really sorry I didn't update sooner. I've been stuck trying to think of some type of problem that can come up real soon but I can't think of any. Got any suggestions? I would love to hear them! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this update, even if it's boring. But filler chapters seem to also be, don't they? Tell me what you think!




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