Chapter 48

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"So, have you decided anything?" Adam asked me.

I shook my head. "No. I haven't. I just don't know, especially if we're ready for it." But I was more afraid if I wasn't ready for it.

It has been a few days since Liam asked and I didn't answer him. He hasn't brought up the question again since then, which I was grateful for. I just didn't know what was going through that little mind of his. What he must be feeling.

Adam sighed and rubbed his hand on my back. "You are. Trust me. You've been doing this for a couple of months and you've been doing great. Amazing actually. I don't see why you can't do it now. I know you'll be an amazing mother."

I looked down at my feet, contemplating the best action from here. Slowly I nodded, "okay. I'll think about it. I just need more time."

"Of course. Take all the time you need. Now do you mind if I take Liam with me today? I promised him we would hang out sometime just me and him and I would like to do it today."

I agreed with him. "Okay. I can do some other things today."

"Are you going anywhere?"

"I was thinking about meeting more people today and be more of a Luna I guess. I know I need to do that more so today is as good of a day as any."

"I'll meet you at the pack house then at six."

I agreed. "See ya soon."

I listened to them leave. After they left, I got up a few minutes later and got dressed in something more presentable instead of sweats and a tee. I dressed in jeans and a nicer looking shirt, good enough to introduce myself and meet more of the pack. I thought I knew a great deal of the pack already but I knew there were some I haven't met yet.

I shuffled my way out the door and through the forest. It was a nice day and I had nothing to worry about being by myself. It was very relaxing and I was happy I was able to take my time through it today. I didn't have to hurry to catch up with Liam or chase after him when he ran away.

My thoughts started taking over not long into the walk however. I wondered what Liam and Adam were doing. I was happy they were spending time together. Maybe it would make it easier to make a decision because then I knew Adam really wanted Liam and not just wanted him for me to make me happy. That was a fear I had I never mentioned to Adam and I made sure he never found out about it.

I reached the pack house not too long later and I walked in to find some pack members I did not know sitting on the couch. I talked to them for awhile. They were nice people. I did this to many others I came across while I was venturing around the house and the land.

When it got closer to six, I headed back toward the entrance of the pack house and sat down on a chair on the porch right outside. I leaned back in the chair and closed my eyes, enjoying the rays of sunlight streaming down on my while I waited for Adam to show up.

I think I met everyone know. I could not be sure though since it was a big pack but everyone I saw now I knew. If I missed a couple here or there, I knew I would know them soon.

A shadow crossed in front of me and I cracked an eye open to find Adam standing in front of me with a smile on his face, right on time.

I glanced down at my phone to see it was exactly six o'clock. Well, he was very punctual.

"Ready to go?" he asked me as I stood up and stretched, letting out a little yawn.

I peaked around him and didn't see Liam anywhere. "Yeah, but where's Liam?"

"Don't worry," he assured me, "Liam's fine. We'll see him in a few minutes. I promise."

"Okay," I agreed deciding to take his word for it. "So, do you mind telling me where we are going?" I wanted to satisfy my curiosity because it was bothering me all day.

"Nope, not going to tell you. It's a surprise."

"Okay," I dragged out. "Then can you tell me what you and Liam did today?"

He shook his head. "Nope. If I did, it would ruin the surprise."

I grumbled and crossed my arms. "Fine. Whatever. Have it your way." I may have been acting mad but I really didn't mind even though I wasn't really big on surprises. I wanted to know and not knowing always had me irritated and wanting to know even more.

"Why thank you, I will, now come on." He grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the pack house and into the woods.

I just laughed slightly and let him pull me to his surprise.

When we got close, Adam stopped me and said, "okay, now close your eyes, and no peaking. If you do, I will cover them. And I know when you'll try to peak, so don't."

I sighed, "fine." I closed my eyes and put my hands over them for good measure. "Is this good?"

I heard him chuckle, "yep, that's great. Now walk carefully." He gently urged me forward. It was a pain not knowing where to step because I felt like I could trip at any moment. Before long though, he told me to stop and I was happy to do so. I halted when he said, "wait right here," before disappearing from my side.

I waited what felt like forever but was actually most likely ten seconds when I heard his voice again. "Okay, open your eyes."

I did and my eyes opened wide at the sight. In front of me, twenty feet away, a big banner was hanging up with the words, 'Will You Marry Me?'

I glanced down to see Adam kneeling before me with a ring in his hand with the question on his lips.

"So, will you marry me?"


I'm so sorry guys. I know I haven't updated for awhile but I've been busy. I went on vacation for a week and then I also had major author's block. I couldn't decide what I wanted to do next but I hope this is good for ya'll. I finally settled on this because it was going to come sooner or later. But anyways, now that I've got this question out there, I think I can end this book in a few more chapters. I can drag it out if you want me too for a couple extra ones, but I can't really think of what much else to do. But anyways, did you like it?




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