Burning Candle

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Little Jungkook, with his innocent doe eyes shining bright, was playing in the vast courtyard of the Commander's grand fortress. His laughter echoed through the stone walls as he chased a butterfly, his small feet dancing around gracefully.His beauty was undeniable, with doe eyes that sparkled like the stars in the night sky and a bunny smile that could melt even the coldest of hearts.

Jungkook had small, soft hands that were always reaching out in curiosity, eager to explore the world around him. His milky skin, untouched by the harshness of life, glowed under the warm sunlight that filtered through the trees. And whenever he laughed, a faint blush would color his cheeks, adding to his charm.

Suddenly, a maid approached him, her voice gentle yet urgent. "Commander Jongshik is calling for you, little one," she said softly, her eyes reflecting concern.

Excitedly, Jungkook's eyes widened, and he let out a gleeful cry of "Papa! Papa!" as he rushed towards the commander's chambers, his heart filled with love and adoration for the strong man who was both his father and his mentor.

As he entered the chambers, he saw Commander Jongshik sitting solemnly at his desk, his gaze steely and determined. "Jungkook, my son," the Commander began, his voice deep and commanding, "we come from a lineage of great commanders, and you are the future leader of our people. But to become a strong and just commander, you must undergo harsh training."

And so, the training began. Commander Jongshik pushed Jungkook to his limits, both physically and mentally. The young boy was made to run for miles on end, his little legs aching with exhaustion. He was taught how to wield a sword with precision and skill, his small hands forming blisters from hours of practice.

Each day, from dawn till dusk, Jongshik pushed Jungkook harder and harder, never showing mercy, for he knew that only through adversity could true strength be forged. The young boy cried out in pain and frustration, but he never once gave up, his determination shining brightly in his innocent doe eyes.

One fateful day, as Jungkook struggled under the weight of a massive stone on his shoulders, tears streamed down his face uncontrollably. The burden was simply too much to bear, and he collapsed to his knees, crying out in pain and frustration. Jongshik's eyes narrowed in disapproval, his expression darkening at the sight of his son's weakness.

In a fit of rage, Jongshik unleashed a torrent of blows upon Jungkook, each strike fueled by his disappointment and anger. Jungkook's mother, witnessing the scene unfold, rushed forward to shield her son from further harm. She pleaded with Jongshik to stop, her voice trembling with fear and desperation.

However, Jongshik's resolve remained unyielding, his actions driven by the belief that commanders must never show emotions or falter in the face of adversity. The brutal beating left Jungkook bruised and shaken to his core, the trust and respect he once held for his father shattered in an instant.

Jungkook was sitting alone trembling in fear. An evil gleam flickered in Jongshik's eyes as he approached the innocent child. Grabbing Jungkook's hand roughly, he threatened to burn it with the flame if he did not comply with his demands.

"Repeat after me," Jongshik hissed, his voice laden with malice. "I, Jeon Jungkook."
Tears welled up in Jungkook's eyes as he trembled in fear. Unable to speak, he remained silent, refusing to give in to Jongshik's cruel commands. Infuriated by Jungkook's defiance, Jongshik pressed the burning candle's flame against the tender skin of the child's hand.

Jungkook's piercing screams echoed through the village as the searing pain coursed through his small frame. Tears streamed down his cheeks uncontrollably, but still, he did not utter the words Jongshik wanted to hear.

With a twisted smile playing on his lips, Jongshik forced Jungkook to repeat after him, "I, Jeon Jungkook, will never show my emotions to anyone, and I will never open the gates of my heart for anyone. I will be a good commander like my father."

Through gasps and sobs, Jungkook managed to repeat the chilling vow, his tiny voice filled with agony and resignation. Defeated but unbroken, he swore to shield his emotions and lock away his heart, adopting the cold demeanor of a stoic warrior.

Tears streamed down Jae's face , Jungkook's mother as she sat on the cold ground outside Jungkook's room, her hands clasped together in a desperate prayer. She prayed to God to send someone who could save her innocent son from this torment, someone who could protect him from the darkness that threatened to consume him.

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