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Changbin got into a little trouble for posting a picture of us without clearing it first. I scolded him because I didn't want him to get into trouble, but I wasn't really mad. The amount of love I felt was just overwhelming. Now, I watched Changbin pack his suitcase sadly. They were leaving for a world tour, and I had to stay back because of work.

"I will miss you so much," I whispered.

Changbin came over to me, sitting next to me on the bed. "I promise I will call you every day and text as much as I can," he mumbled, gently taking my hands in his. "And I will bring you a present from every country I visit."

I smiled a little. "You don't need to buy me presents... just come back fast," I mumbled.

He pulled me close to his chest. "It's just a few months. We can do it," he reassured me.


I couldn't do it. Missing him was killing me. It had only been two months, with another two to go. I sighed, looking up his location on my phone. They had started touring Europe, with the first show in London. Tomorrow they would be in Paris, and the day after that, Amsterdam. I considered calling him, but it was the middle of the night there. I didn't want to wake him up.

I opened my laptop and started searching for flights. I did this a lot, looking up flights to wherever he was, just to know that I could be close to him in theory. I bit my lip. The flights to Paris weren't too expensive... but no. I wouldn't be like that. I could do it. And with that thought, I clicked on 'buy now.'


"Okay, so I can just walk up there and tell them my name?" I asked Chan as I walked through the airport.

"Yes. I told them you were coming. Make sure to be there a bit earlier so they can bring you to the barricade. And you can also check into the hotel. They know you're coming," Chan explained. I called him the minute I knew they were awake and told him that I had booked a flight. He helped me organize everything, even though he was busy.

"Okay. Thanks a lot, Channie. I'll see you tonight," I said and hung up, waiting for my suitcase. I had taken time off work for two weeks and hoped that Changbin would take me along for that time.

Changbin called me just as I left the airport. "Hey," I said happily.

"Hey," he answered, "what are you doing?"

I looked at the time. It would be late evening back home. "Oh, I grabbed dinner with Aki and now I'm heading home. How about you?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

"We're getting ready for the concert tonight. I was just wondering because you turned off your location," he said.

"Yeah. My phone is almost dead, and the battery goes down faster when it's on. I'm sorry," I quickly said.

"No, it's fine. I don't want to stalk you or anything. I was just worried," he answered. "Will you get home before it's dead?"

"Yeah, I'm almost home," I answered.

"Okay. I need to go, but text me when you're home, yeah? I love you and I miss you," he said.

I smiled to myself, knowing that it was only a few hours till I saw him. "I will. I love you too and I miss you terribly," I answered. He mumbled another goodbye before we hung up. I quickly took a taxi to the hotel, checking into the room Chan had booked for me earlier. It was the same hotel the boys were staying in, and even though I was probably staying in Changbin's room later, I needed somewhere to go before that. I texted Changbin that I was home, but he was probably already too busy to read it, so I could get away with not turning on my location again. I opened my suitcase and quickly got ready.


I nervously stood right next to the stage when the concert started. It was my first concert of theirs that I attended, and I was so excited to see them perform that I almost died. They came out and started performing their first song. Chan spotted me instantly and grinned, not waving so that he wouldn't ruin the surprise for Changbin. I wanted him to spot me himself. I danced and sang along the whole time and befriended the girls next to me as they asked if I were alone. We couldn't talk much since they only spoke French, and my English wasn't great either, so we communicated a lot with gestures. But they were so nice, and I danced with them the whole time.

Chan was talking to the stadium, and I looked at Changbin, who was looking through the crowd. Maybe he would spot me now? Just as I thought that, our eyes met, and he interrupted Chan by screaming loudly. Chan looked at him, startled.

"What's up with you?" he asked, but Changbin started jumping happily up and down. I started to laugh.

"It's Asami! Look, guys! It's Asami!" Changbin cheered, pointing at me. I laughed and waved at him. The two girls next to me looked at me, dumbfounded. The boys waved at me, all a bit surprised. It seemed that Chan hadn't told anyone else that I was coming.

"Can someone bring her backstage?" Changbin asked, looking around for security. That was when a security man came and helped me climb over the barricade. I waved goodbye to the girls I was dancing with and went with him, watching the rest of the concert from backstage.


"What are you doing here?" Changbin asked as he practically ran into my arms. I laughed as he lifted me off the ground to spin me through the air.

"I missed you so much that I just booked a flight," I said and hugged him back. He held me close for some time before he pushed me away a little to look at me. He cupped my cheeks in his hands.

"It feels so unreal," he whispered.

I smiled. "I'm here. For real," I whispered back. He smiled brightly and leaned down, kissing me deeply. I sighed softly into the kiss. When he pulled away and hugged me again, I felt safe and warm. I was finally back at the place I belonged.

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