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Al woke up, he looked around noticing his arm was bandaged up. There was a note in the side with water and medication and some deer meet. Al picked up the note reading it slowly.

'I patched your wounds and hid all your razors, I have a lot more to tell you when I get back from work at 3:00. I left some meat and some meds on the table for you to take

Get well soon 🖤

"Hm." Al said to himself before grabbing the meds and water and swallowing them whole

He grabbed the meat on the side and ate it gently enjoying the flavour, he looked over to his watch wondering when Vox would arrive, it was a strange feeling for Al. Wondering if Vox was ok, where he was, what he was doing. Al pushed it if as him being curious about the note. He looked at his watch seeing it was 3:00, the time vox said he would be home.

Right on cue vox burst through the door, his tail dragged alongst the floor and his back was slumped.

"Are you quite alright dear?" Al said looking over at him

"I should ask you the same shit Alastor." Vox said sighing sitting next to Al

It had been a long time since he heard vox to call him 'alastor' and it scared him a tad. (The poor baby just wanted a hug D:)

"Ah, what seems to be the matter good friend!" Al said, his ears were twitching as he refused to let down his pride nor open up to the tv obsessed.

"Don't 'good friend' me! I had to look after you after you-you... you cut youself!" Vox screamed

"...and?" Al mumbled looking under him not daring to look at vox.

"What do you mean and?!" Vox scream getting up and looking down at Al.

"WHAT DOSE IT MATTER TO YOU?!" Al screamed looking up at vox crying

"...because I know why, Angel told me. Before that I teleported you to talk abt I had to move in the hotel that day since Val was mad and was trying to kill me. So I got my shit together after I patched you up and moved In asking Charlie and the others what happened and they told me about your meltdown. I stayed the night and went back here to get you water and meat for when you work up, did my work and made add for the hotel." Vox rammbled

"Oh..I guess I should get going then dear haha!" Al nervously chuckled.

"NO!" vox screamed at Al getting his attention.

"N-not the wrist vox.." Al mummbed

Vox looked down noticing he had grabbed Als wrist.

"Shit, sorry." Vox said looking down.

"Just talk to me ok, I won't judge you or anything I just want to make sure you ok." Vox said looking back up at Al

"I can assure you I'm fine!" Al said leaving

"NO!" Vox stomped his foot aggressively against his floor, wires made their to the doors, windows anywhere Al could leave from creating a huge bariar that only he could stop

"Talk, please..." vox said calming down




Sorry this came out a bit late apology tour just came out today for hellava and I was super hyped

Apart from that I hope you enjoyed reading this

(571 words)

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Anyways BYEE X3

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