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"You love me..?" Al asked.

"Oh...err...I mean I do, but if you think it's to early to say that it's fine I-I mean- aughh I'm pacing again! I really need to take my meds again!!" Vox rammbled pacing around the room

"Meds?" Al asked with concern "your not taking drugs are you?!?" Al asked shouting this time only to see vox hysterically laughing like a hyena.

"OH- MY GOD AL THAT IS- HHAHAHAHAGA - OMG" vox laughed looki at Al who was genuinely concerned

"WHAT???" Al asked frustratedly

"Al there for my adhd.." vox said out of breath

"Adh- ...what?" Al asked he felt dumb

"Adhd? You know. Attention Deficit hyperactivity disorder?" Vox asked wondering why Al was un educated

"Nope!" Al said with a Cheshire grin

"Ah well it basically means I'm very hyper and lose focus easily so I take the meds so that didn't happen." Vox explained.

Vox really expected some snarky comment, or a sarcastic remark. But I see Al just said: "I like you without medication.."

"Huh?" Vox asked

"Well when you first arrived in hell I remember you didn't take anything like that, obviously I would get annoyed when you'd lose focus in the conversation or change the subject to something of topic. But I miss how you were in general, you were fun." Al remarkd

'Fun, that's new' vox thought.

"What do you mean?" He asked not knowing what Al ment by 'fun'

"I mean you were 'vox'. You weren't like what you are now, do get me wrong as much as I adore regardless you were scocial, and loud and always knew how to light up a room with even the most depressing demons in it. Vox you may not know this but you single-handily took me of what could have been the end of my afterlife without even knowing it." Al rammbled

"What...?" Vox questioned worried

"Vox. You must understand when we met I was an absolute mess, on the verge of suicide even. But falling in love with you has to be the best thing to happen to me." Al explained

"I fucking love you so much omg" vox cheered

"I love you too dear, now let's go downstairs I'm sure Charlie has a lot to discuss with the hotel." Al said teleporting them downstairs only to find a certain moth at the door.

Al sat down, was he scared? Absolutely, the only things he remembers from Val was the horrors time where Val had raped him. But he thought it would be better for vox to talk.

"Ah voxxy just the shark I was looking for!~" Val spoke

"What is it Valentino!" Vox growled

"Isn't it vaseline?" Al asked still unsure of the the moths name.

"Ah cherry your here too~ what a please tell surprise~ I just came to inform your little shark of me and velvs new decision~" Val purred.

Vox looked at Al who was visibly uncomfortable and Angel noticed it, Angel knew of what Val did to him as he saw right through all the lies he spoke. Vox then looked over at velv, her face was bruised and her hair was a mess, not to note she was only in her pyjamas.

"What is it?!" Vox asked hating Val.

"We're kicking you off the vees. Congrats boxy your no longer an overlord!" Val congratulated

Vox started to back up basically tripping on his own feet and on the the carpet. He started sobbing to invested in his own self to realise that Val had grabbed Al kicking and screaming out the hotel.

You may be wondering where's Charlie or Lucifer? Well Charlie was ill sand lucifer volunteered to look after her. Charlie left Vaggie in charge who was currently out handing out posters.

Why didn't husk or Angel do anything? For Angel it was PTSD and the fear of what Val would do to him, and husk really couldn't care less of what happened to Al having a hatred for everything about him.

So I'm simple terms

They were fucked.

I hope you guys liked this chapter. I have a couple of quick things to announce.

Firstly, I have recently been diagnosed with ASD and ADHD.

secondly, I have a one shot book that I'm not sure what to write in it. So if you have any requests then put that here.

—>  (one-shot requests:3)

And ofc if you have any questions about anything that I mentioned or the story then put them here.

—>  (question box:3)



(761 words)

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