~human hearts are delish!~

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"I don't know Rosie I just want to rip him apart!!" Al screamed disliking the barrel of questions Rosie was asking him.

"Ah, well tell me a bit abt the story, who he is and all dat'" Rosie spoke looking at all softly

Al took a deep breath in and out before saying: "it started long ago, I met him when he first arrived here in hell he saw me as his desperate idol, someone to look up to. He complimented, loved me and showered me in affection, so much so I could help but fall in love with the desperate sinner.. I, one day, invited him round for some jambalaya as we had something in need of discussion. Once he was there I had told him how I was feeling for him only to not reciprocate it. After that we went are separate ways he created his own empire, without me in it... to this day I'm still in love, I have what you or any other sinner would call an 'obsession'" Al explained

"Ok wow Al that's a lot of info, but aside from that tell me of this little obsession ya' are havin'" Rosie asked

"Ah well it's far from little my dear! I have body pillows, figurine's, merch, I  even have one of his little picture boxes called a phone with his likeness to it, I have a picture of him in my- phone...case??" Al beamed likening to hyper-fixate on tv obsessed.

"Ah, well that's... that's very different for ya'" Rosie nervously said

"I know I find it confusing myself, I'm unsure what to do. And now we're dating I-" Al was cut off by Rosie screaming: "YA WHAT NOW?"

"Ah yes we're courting!" Al squeaked his tail wagging slightly

"I get these weird feelings... I want to hug him or lay on his lap, I don't know why. I feel safe with him despite the fact I'm much more powerful.." Al said blushing slightly out of embarrassment.

"Oh Al.." Rosie pitted.

"Al would ya' like a hug? Hugs usually help sad demons.."  Rosie softly spoke

"Yes dear, thank you" al got up giving Rosie a tight hug.

"I hate this so much Rosie, I hate these feelings. I hate loving him!! I can't ever get him of my mind I just wish I could stop!" Al cried

"Shh, it ok all right!! You'll be alr your in love dear!" Rosie said

"How bout' ya'  go home and listen to that melenie gal' ya' like so much!" Rosie said letting go of Al

"Ok thank you for the help dear!" Al said rushing to get his staff and prepping to teleport to the hotel.

"Ofc dear whenever ya' need auntie Rosie! Now good luck with ya' boyfriend lox or pox, whatever his name is!" Rosie said smiling

"It's vox." Staci ran through his voice "ta ta good pal!" Al said teleporting into goo.

Vox was wasted on the counter spilling all his dirty little secrets to the bartender husk who had been trying to help him from not having a breakdown .

"WHY CANT HE *hic* JUST LOVE MEEE" vox drunkly spouted

"I know it's hard buddy. You said you were dating him yes?" Husk asked

"Y-yeah.. I'm not sure if it's enough one of his games.." vox whined

"Who's 'he' then anyways?" Husk asked

"A-alstor..." vox mummbeld

"Ah." Husk responded knowing about Als little obsession

Right on cue Am teleported in looking at the state vox was in. He didn't know what to do so out of instinct he rushed over to him.

"Vox dear what ever is the matter!" Al said

"D-do you *hic* love me..?" Vox asked crying

"Ofc I do! Who said I didn't!?" Al asked worried

"N-no one I just *hic* w-was having a bad day *hic* I s-suppose" vox said

"Would you-uuh like a hug? Rosie says sad demons like hugs.." Al said pitifully only to have vox jump on him hugging him.

"Cmon let's get you to bed." Al said picking him up bridle style.

Al walked out of the room with vox in his hands as he looked at the rest of the room to which he may of just revealed his relationship to..
(714 words)

Lowkey wish I was sum1's fav author

I hope you liked this chapter

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—>          (_____)


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