~loving blood~

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Vox walked into his room still tired from there activities.

'Damn he's good at topping! I need some sleep though that was exhausting..' vix thought stepping into his room falling on his bed

See now Al on the other hand was pacing around his room. Why? Simple, he was sadist and trying to stop himself from hurting Vox was difficult. The honest urge to rip him up and what h the blood gruesomely flow out of him like a river and he munches on the remains of his organs.

That was all Al wanted to right now.

Although he knew vox needed a break so he kept it to himself, instead he'd thought he would make a trip down to cannibal town to see his best friend if all time...ROSIE!!

(Gotta love Rosie)

Vox was laying on his bed staring up at the sealing, he physically could not get Al of his mind. Everything about him from the tips of his toes to the tops of his ears, even the cute little tail he'd never admit to having. For vix is was intoxicating even looking at him at times.

Vox hated this, he hated the butterflies he'd get around him or the urge to hug and kiss him and smother him in love until he couldn't handle it anymore.

Vox decided the best way to get rid of these cursed feelings was Tod rink them away. Vox had always considered himself to be a happy drunk..

...but not tonight...

Al had made his way to cannibal town looking around for the familiar shop that Rosie worked at. He looked around a couple more times before spotting the shop

He hesitated to walk in scared of what Rosie would think of him considering she would always refute to him as 'an ace in the whole' only god knowing what it meant.

Eventuality he made his way inside knowing that Rosie would except him for whatever he was, and also knowing that Rosie wouldn't hesitate to kill and devour vox for breakfast if he did anything to hurt him.

He opened the door to reveal Rosie talking with what looked like a potential customer. She was chatting before looking over to her side revealing Al walking closer to her.

"ALASTOR? ALASTORRR!" She ran over to him giving him a tight hug

"How are ya' doll? Havant seen ya' round these parts in ages! This place truly ain't the same without ya!" Rosie gawked

"Oh well I had been helping Charlie with her passion project and- well let's go somewhere more private before I discuss anymore!" Al nervously rambled

"Oh! Of course Alastor dear!" Rosie said grabbing Als hand and taking him somewhere more private

"So whacha like a leg or a' arm?" Rosie asked going through her draws looking for something to snack on whilst they chat.

"Ah, I'll take a cup of tea and.....and a human heart." Al sighed sitting down.

Rosie's face went completely pale hearing that, when they first met Rosie said the only time a human heart would be shared as a meal would be if one of them were in love.

"Ah I see" she said getting up to turn towards him "so, who is it?"

(542 words)

I hope you guys liked this little cliffhanger I'm super happy about the book getting so popular and reaching 1.2k veiws!

If you have a questions then please put them here

—>       (_____)




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