~the talk~

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Al had sat down finding his words, he's never really opened up so this was difficult.

"Yk, I get it.." vox mumbled.

"You don't." Al said his smile fading to only a small one.

"My whole life I was bullied for the fact I was loud, annoying and had different interests. For example, boys liked cars and I like computers, boys liked girls where as I, I like both.." vox said before continuing "I only found out when I dropped in hell that I have ADHD, now I get medicine for it." Vox stated

"A-DH-D??" Al questioned

"OH! pffft- you old but I didn't know you were that old!" Vox giggled

"IM NOT!" Al screamed

"Mhm.. keep telling yourself that buddy.." vox mumbled.

"Rude" Al said serious before laughing loudly along with vox.

"Right, right" vox said catching his breath "comon talk to me Al, I'm here." Vox stated

Al sighed "alright I suppose it won't hurt.."

"Should I start from the beginning or?" Al questioned

"Just start where your comfy, I won't force you to do anything" vox said in a comforting way.

"Ok, well... I didn't grow up in a nice environment with my dad and all.. he was- uhh.. he was highly abusive to my mum and me. I think that has part to do with why I am the way I am. The first person I ever killed was him. I had suffered i lifetime of canabilistic thoughts, though I spared my dear father that fate as he didn't deserve anything but death through the same knife he used to cut his dinner with."

Al continued to talk about his mental health, what skl was like and how all his life he had been rejected for merely being himself, and still how he hated himself for every death he caused.

"And that's where all my scars came from.. haha" Al laughed a bit his ears pinning to the back of his head

"C-could I have a hug please vox.." Al mumbled

"Of course Ally" vox said getting up and giving Al a hug. Al squeezed vox tightly almost for support.

"I-" Al stoped himself before letting go and pulling his hair "nothing dear."

"Ok??" Vox said oblivious to what Al WAS going to say.

Al felt awfully flushed, not just out of embarrassment but it was this burning pain across his whole body. He knew if he spent any longer with Vox something bad would happen without consent, so with that..

"Shit!" he screamed before teleporting into black goo spearing in the hotel.

"Huh??" Vox said before become static into the cameras and going to the hotel knocking on the door. Charlie peacked through the door.

"Oh vox... come in.." Charlie mumbled

Vox enterted asking if they saw Al. Angel put his hand up

"Well I saw him!" Angel said

"Ah good where" vox replied looking at the rest of the hazbin members looking nervous.

"Angel don't!" Vaggie screamed at Angel

"Whaaaaat! It's the radio what's the worst that could happen" Angel said

"You going to regret that..." vaggie mumbled under her breath.

"Wella' he came in looking wasted as FUCK! he took a bottle from husk, drank 'alf of it and then it at tha' tv! And then went storming upstairs and locked himself in 'is room" Angel said getting a bit mad about the tv

"The tvs fine, I can replace that but let me go speak to Al" vox recommended

Charlie butted in "are you..uhh- sure you want to do that?"

"Why not?" Vox asked wondering why it would be a problem and why no one's gone up there before.

"It's mating season..."

Might be smut in the next chapter hehe

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter I tried to fit everything in and enjoyed making it :3

If you have any questions abt this chapter ir future chapters

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And for something fun.. if you have a questions for the characters you can ask them here and I'll reply as them! >:3

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I hope you enjoyed


(614 words)

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