~a day without him~

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This isn't really a chaper, just a cool short I wanted to do of what it was like for Al waiting for box to wake up. A bit like a day in the life


-heavy depressive shit
-basically alastor being a depressed power bottom. 🫡🫡

Al woke up his eye bags dropping over his eyes. He had been so tired since vox fell asleep. It had been a month since then and Al had barley any sleep. Man he had started self harming and forgot everything he said about modem tech and got addicted the phone vox gave him so many years ago.

"Ugh.. vox are you awake yet?" He said looking at the limp figure on his sofa.

"No. Oh ok dear" he said talking to himself.

Al couldn't care how he came arises to others, in fact he stopped wearing suits or really anything nice at all, he felt that if vox woke up everything would be better. But then there's the burning pain that the last words he remembers speaking to him were "I love you" would ruin anything they once had.

Al got up from his bed lazily and threw on a sweater he still from voxs penthouse. He could never bring himself to admit he had a little vox shrine in his room that no one knew abt.

"Mmm, smells like you dear. Do you know when you'll wake up I'm waiting patiently. If your dead I'll join you I promise.." he softy spoke caressing voxs cheek

"Well dear I must go! For a moment..." Al spoke going downstairs in voxs sweater and his boxers. This was a rare to never made encounter for the radio demon to do, but as stated before he no longer cared abt anyone else and just wanted his love to wake up.

"Husk move." He said without static staring at the leashed cat

"And why would I do that? You look like shit boss." Husk said

"I didn't ask for you opinion you fucking pet." Al said sending daggers at him

"Hey quit it! He's just trying help!" Angel shouted at Al

"If I wanted to speak to someone who sells their soul and their ass I would've spoke to you, but I didn't so shut up before I do it for you." Al said without a care

"Al, maybe you could stop please, you've stop smiling recently and you've become horrible to everyone!" Charlie spoke squeezing Vaggies hand out of fear.

"SO IM NOT ALLOWED TO BE SAD NOW?!" Al scream sending tentacles at them.

Al pushed husk out the way and grabbed the full bottle of the strongest liquor they had and walked upstairs flicking everyone off.

Al walked in his room laying on his bed drinking his bottle of liquor.

"Oh dear if only they knew how much you are to me. I will never smile again unless I smile at you~" he hummed looking over at the limp figure.

Al started manically laughing at his emotions before sobbing

"W-why can't y-you be here with m-me.." he sobbed knowing damn well everyone downstairs could hear him
"Yeah, no why need to get rid of him." Vaggie stated bluntly

"He's injured husk to many times, hurt angel's feelings and just been horrible."

"Vaggie he's in a state of depression you cannot blame him." Charlie mumbled

"Ugh fine." Vaggie said sitting down on a chair

"Guys if I'm bein' honest I don't really care that 'e's being a dick. I would do the same if I post husk over 'ere" Angel stayed making husk choke on his bottle of whiskey

"Boss is super duper mean at the moment hehehheeh" nifty spoke running around the hot looking for bugs to stab

"Ugh fine." Vaggie said rubbing her temples.

I hope y'all like this little short I made.
I thought I lot would be nice to make before the next chapter.

I hope y'all like this


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