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"shinji" tabris said

"i watched you die" i said in shock

"angels have other tricks then you realize, i will not live much longer, but i can still effect unit-13, i promised you a world you can smile in, i still can keep that promise, and i will even be able to heal this world, you get your escape, and no one can blame you for anything any more" he said

"let's do it" i said, he smiled

"thank you for placing your trust within me, i will take care of everything, rest well, i hope to not see you again for many years to come" he said, as i lost consciousness, and unit-13 awakened in full

"thank you for placing your trust within me, i will take care of everything, rest well, i hope to not see you again for many years to come" he said, as i lost consciousness, and unit-13 awakened in full

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using all of his remaining power he summoned all thirteen evangelions around him, plus nine more, from the parallel neon genesis universe

tabris appeared on the bridge of the WUNDER

"i have begun work on returning the world to how it was, in return you will never ever bother shinji ever again" tabris said

"so what you expect us to let that murderer live his life as if nothing happened" midori scoffed

"yes, because, he will no longer live on this world, i promised him a world where he could smile, i intend to keep my promise, you come after him, you will face the wrath of me and all sixteen of my brethren plus the twenty-two full evangelions that will be under shinji's control including your own former units, so i'd take my advise, leave him be, do that and you will never see him again" " tabris said

"so that's it then you have taken this war into your own hands" tabris said

"of course, be glad i don't lie, and simply allow instrumentality to continue, although, i would recommend arresting gendo ikari, a catalyst was needed to begin this process, and i have already sacrificed my core to avoid your souls being devoured your welcome" tabris said

"so who's being sacrificed" ritsuko asked

"yui ikari" tabris answered, they flinched

"i will give a chance to one other, to follow my friend on his journey, weather she takes that chance is her choice alone, i have already spoken with her, all she must do, is trust the angel within her and it will take her on her way, but she does not have long to decide soon the angel will be gone regardless, as will all traces of us from this world, the only remaining evangelion technology will be this ship, shinji will have the other three, what he does with them will be his choice" tabris said

"asuka" misato said

"i thought long and hard about this, but it was either her or the pink one, makinami i believe her name is, but i believe personally that she will be a better fit to my friend then the pink one, although that may have been a poor decision, since i couldn't send him with the one he'd choose, she is unfortunately out of reach, for other reasons, my mission here is complete i bid you all goodbye, and i hope you learn from this conflict" tabris said, as he disappeared from view as they all watched the bright red light

shinji ikari awoke in a room with another unfamiliar ceiling

"a good, the young master is awake" a voice as i looked up to see a blond haired woman with what appeared to be greying skin

"i am magdalene, of the holy dominion of seraphim" she said

"where am i" i asked

"you are within my temple, my home" she said

"i see" i said

"you were deposited, by one of the almighty lords, of our once great nation" she said

"once great" i asked

"my nation fell, it became the battlegrounds of two other opposing nations, this temple was once the castle of our sovereign ruler, blessed by the divine lords, it is now a territory of the alderrine empire" she said

"i see" i said

"my lord has told me that you are here to receive training, and so training you shall receive, the library was one of the few places in this castle that has been salvageable through magic, i shall do my best to teach you all i can" she said

"thank you lady magdalene" i said, she smiled

"come my lord" she said

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