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we made our way to the cities castle, where the city lord ruled, as we walked up the guards ran up to us

"your highness, what happened, lord McClaine was growing concerned" a guard said

"i will inform him what happened, this man is my escort, he is to be rewarded for his services, i will be informing, lord McClaine of this as well" she said

"yes your highness" the guard said, she nodded as she walked passed him

she led the way, barging into what was the city lords office, while the man in question was appearing to have a meeting

"your all dismissed" she said

"now my darling niece where has this rudeness come from" the man asked

"it's come from my guards dying from an ambush and me running into a second ambush, i was nearly forced into submission, if it wasn't for this man hearing me cry out in surprise, i would likely be who knows where being tortured until i broke" she said

"i see, my apologies....... wait, WHAT" the man shouted

"yes, uncle, my do i look like i just arrived via carriage like i was supposed to, and of course you don't know about it, which means this was yet another attempt by the nobles" she said, he sighed

"i am sorry for what has happened, cassandra, i will begin an investigation immediately" she said

"don't bother i know who did it this time, it was the haiston family heir, he's dead now, curtesy of my rescuer" she said

"you have my thanks then, who might you be" he asked

"shinji, ikari shinji, of the ikari-clan" i said

"ah yes, an easterner you looked like one, tell me boy why did you help my niece" he asked

"because my blade was hungry, it wanted feeding, i only escorting your niece here, because she promised me more food for my blade" i said, he blinked as i drew my sword, and his eyes widened

"a djinn weapon" he said surprised

"indeed, it feeds on souls and everything around those souls as extra sustenance, the more it feeds the stronger it becomes" i said

"i see, i will have a servant take you down to the dungeons to feed your djinn then, a promise was made, so a promise must be kept" he said, i nodded, he snapped his fingers, and a made appeared bowing

"take this man to the dungeons, open all the cells for him, he will deal with the prisoners there" he said

"understood, my lord" she said, as she turned and left the office with me following

"uncle, he intrigues me i don't know what his djinn weapon does that it requires souls, but it did summon some kind of monster that stopped one of the thugs from escaping, i want to know more about him and his strength, he could help me in gaining retribution against the haistons, which should put everyone else off trying to claim me, and give me some breathing room" cassandra said

"i will see what i can do to keep him here, but cass, you were warned that it would be like this, a lot of the nobles are good people but they have to act as they do to avoid the bad ones from getting their hands on you, and the kingdom by extension you are the only child, of the asdonia bloodline, your parents warned you that you should choose a rider early, you ignored their warnings" he said

"i know uncle theo, it was a mistake, i just wanted to keep my freedom, while i waited for my ideal to come along" she said

"this isn't a fairy tale cassandra, no one is perfect" he scolded

"i know, uncle, i know, i was naïve" she said

"yes, you were, but you might be right, this easterner may be able to solve our short term problems, what will we reward him with, i have already given him all of my prisoners" he said

"he can have the prisoners held within the royal palace, i am sure my parents will agree" she said

"i will write to them, you have seriously dug yourself a large hole, cassandra" he said

"but i may be able to dig myself out, uncle theodore" she said, he sighed looking at his beloved niece, she was still naïve, he just hoped she learned before it was too late

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