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theodore McClaine planned out what they would do, cassandra had a plan to use her newfound friend against the haistons, all she needed her uncle to do is let leak what happened, and the man who was visiting the city would come running

"now that you are back, a proper reward for rescuing the crown princess of the empire, five royal crowns, thank you for your service" he said, i bowed

"it was my honor" i said

"YOU BASTARD" a man shouted as he entered the room

"lord haiston, you are being rude to our guest" he said

"this man killed my son and you expect me to respect him, my son who was sent to protect her highness from any thugs who would attempt to capture her for their own insidious means" the man said

"you mean so you could capture me, and break me so i would submit, allowing you control of me and therefor the throne" cassandra said

"now princess don't be so naïve, i would never fall to such means, i am a loyal servant of the empire" he said

"weather that is true or not, your son attempted to kidnap me, as your heir, his actions are your actions" cassandra said

"my lady, surely you misunderstood the situation" the man said

"devon haiston by the old laws, i challenge your house to a trial by combat, my named champion shinji ikari, against your champion" she said, and this time his facade actually shattered

"you foolish girl, when i win i will make sure to break you personally for ruining my plans" he said

"we shall see, get out, the dual will be held in the arena at the capital" she said, as the man left in a huff

"what exactly have you signed me up for your highness" i asked

"my apologies, i promise you will be well rewarded for your efforts, as my champion in this endeavor" she said

"and if i refuse" i asked

"the dual has already been called, if you do not show up your life is forfeit" theodore said gravely, my expression darkened

"i see" i said, a moment later, cassandra had azrael pointed at her

"and i why shouldn't i allow my blade to feast on you and take my chances" i asked, she steeled herself

"i promise you will be well rewarded for your efforts, master ikari" she responded, i looked down at her, before sheathing the sword again at my back

"see that you do, or you will learn the full might of my azrael, it's most terrifying form" i said, she internally shuttered at the threat she could tell the man wasn't bluffing, either he was exaggerating, which she doubted or his blade was a terrifying sight to behold

"i will prepare a carriage for you both to head to the capital, i'll even send my own daughter as an escort" theodore said

"my thanks" she said

"your the crown princess right" i asked

"yes" she said

"i know what i will be demanding in return for my help in this dual, your parents as the rulers will have the power to grant my request" i said, she frowned

as we travelled she told me of the champion of the haiston family, a man named kevin cloverdale, he and his dragons for he had two were quite formidable, especially his preferred, lysseilia a former slave, which he bought and freed who chose to stay with him regardless, she was an incredibly powerful wind elemental as well as a dragon, making her exceedingly fast and agile as a result

i learned that princess cassandra was also a dragon, a water elemental, and that the daughter of the theodore McClaine was a dragon named elleanora McClaine who was a light elemental, which could use holy and healing magics, it took six weeks by carriage and we passed through several towns before arriving in the capital

arriving at the royal palace, cassandra and elleanora were welcome graciously with warm hugs, it was clear that they were both well loved by their family, especially as royals, the king stepped forth from her daughter and niece's embrace holding out his hand

"i am richard A. gardner, high king of the asdonia empire" the man said, as his wife stepped up

" i am elizabeth gardner, wife of richard A. gardner, and queen of asdonia, welcome to our home, ikari shinji, named champion of crown princess cassandra lillianna asdonia gardner, and thank you for fighting for my daughter's freedom, safety, and happiness" she said

"i am not doing out of the kindness of my heart, i am doing it because i have been promised to be well rewarded after being roped in against my will" i said

"yes, do you have something in particular you wish to ask for" she asked

"yes, territory, a very specific piece of territory" i said

"if that is all you wish, it is easily granted, he led me to a war room, with a map of the empire" he said

"show me" he said, and i did point at the spot on the map

"if you wish to have those ruins as your territory, very well, i shall grant it" he said

"also note my first loyalty, is to lord yoshito seiji, of the yoshito-clan" i said

"i understand" he said

"good then i believe we have struck a deal, i shall fight for you in this battle" i said, he nodded his agreement as we shook hands

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