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traversing to the academy only took a few days as it was close to the capital, which was close to the eastern coast, giving access to any eastern students who have gotten an invitation and wish to attend


"thank you sir" i said my voice dripping with sarcasm

"my apologies sir, simply doing my duty" he said noticing the sarcastic reply from me

"yes, well maybe don't here, such titles are meaningless" i said

"yes of course my lord" she said

"you don't like bellmen do you" a woman said

"not particularly no" i said

"i am headmistress elina ross, welcome to the academy" she said, i grunted my response

"i am well aware, you were bribed to come here, still you may find that my academy may have more to offer you then you realize" she said, a small smirk gracing her lips

"we shall see" i said

"indeed we will at that, your relieved bellman" the headmistress said, the bellman bowed before leaving to do his other duties to the school

"this is one of the instructors here, meredith winford, she will escort you through the academy and take you to your dorms" the headmistress said

"a pleasure to meet you, students, if you will follow me" Miss winford said he sighed in a relief at meeting a woman who didn't want to waste time with idle chatter, as she led the way taking us through the entire school, visiting various classrooms as well as the outdoor training area for practical lessons, before ending at the dorm rooms

"this is the dorm for unmatched dragons and riders, when a match is made the pair are moved to a bigger set of quarters to accommodate as it is very rare that a dragon and rider do not live together, since you are unpaired you will be remaining here, lord ikari, the emperor has prepared a private room for you, as extra incentive to remain at our academy" Miss winford said

"thank you" i said, she nodded before turning her attention to the girls of the group

"the headmistress has roomed you together as well, the cousins will have a room and the two elves will have a room" the teacher said to girls, as the two elf girls were following me around like lost puppies, the four girls nodded their understanding and agreement

"you will find your room, by the nameplates on the front of the door, enjoy the rest of your day, school starts on the fourth sun of the fourth umbral moon, good day" she said, as she left us, that was three days away, as today was the first sun of the fourth umbral moon, the fourth sun would begin a new week, which consists of nine days on this world as opposed to seven, and there are twenty-six hours in a day as opposed to twenty-four, everyone follows military time as well, several things i had to get used to,  i was thankful at least that they were advanced enough to have the ability to tell time

he entered the small, but serviceably comfortable room, setting down his pack, he open the closet to find three sets of the schools uniform, as well as several extra hangers for his own cloths, he ignored the hangers as he folded his kimono and yukatas and placed them in the small dresser that was also in the room, he wondered what the school would bring him

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