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she led me from the room, which she told me was a guest room she had hastily prepared for me, which i thanked her for, as we walked i noticed a flag, that looked ripped but the emblem on the flag was still mostly intact

"what is that emblem" i asked

"it is the crest of our nation, each ruler is to take the crest and use it's power for the nation, our crest has not seen use since the fall of our nation" magdalene said

"i see" i said

she led me to a sword that lay pierced before a throne

"the almighty lord, foretold that you would be the wielder of this blade, so go on take it" she said, i walked up to the sword hesitantly wrapping my hand around it before drawing it from the stone

"the almighty lord, foretold that you would be the wielder of this blade, so go on take it" she said, i walked up to the sword hesitantly wrapping my hand around it before drawing it from the stone

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withdrawing it, i saw a vision of a sight i would long remember, the vision was of the time i first time i ever saw evangelion unit-01, it's eyes glowing brightly

"this blade is very special, it was blessed to us during our nations founding and is all that remains of our beautiful nation, besides of course the ruins that were left behind" magdalen said

"i'm sorry to here about your lose" i said, she shook her head

"there is nothing to be sorry for, it brings my heart joy to see at least one person who will remember us even as you leave this place" she said, i smiled

"i will definitely remember this nation, and the kindness it has blessed me with" i said, she smiled

"come, you will need to learn to wield that blade of yours" she said

"and so she began to teach me, all she knew, about fighting and the blade i now carried she even became my spar partner allowing me to learn full hand the power of my blade, and the evangelions which i could summon, they weren't the gigantic eighty meter tall figures anymore, they were still two meters tall and i had twenty-two of them i could summon the thirteen evangelions i could recognize and then nine more evangelions which stood identical to each other

"and so she began to teach me, all she knew, about fighting and the blade i now carried she even became my spar partner allowing me to learn full hand the power of my blade, and the evangelions which i could summon, they weren't the gigantic eight...

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i learned through magdalene that the nine evangelions could be increased in number, by giving an evangelion to a person this meant i could have an army of evangelion warriors, if i could gather the numbers

"my lord, do not allow yourself to be used for this power, as it can and will turn the tide of any conflict" she said, i nodded my understanding to her warning

"can i change this power" i asked

"what do you mean" she asked

"these nine EVAs that are identical, they are kinda scary" i said

"indeed, you wish to use another for your capabilities" she asked i nodded

"simply communicate with your blade, tell it how you wish it to be, djinn blades are usually quite expansive it their powers, so long as they have the ability how one uses it is up to the wielder usually" magdalene said

"how do i communicate with the blade" i asked

"come with me" she said, i followed her to a courtyard and sat down

"take the blade in both hands as if i are going to give it to summon, and concentrate on the your djinn, concentrate on your wish to communicate" she said, i did as i was told, and i found myself standing under the crimson sky of my old world

"welcome commander" a voice i recognized immediately said

"rei" i asked hopefully as she appeared before me

"rei" i said as i hugged her tightly, she didn't move but i didn't expect her to

"you have need of me, commander" she asked, i blinked, as i realized rei was the avatar to the evangelions their mouth piece, she was the humanoid personification of my djinn

"i want to change how the blade works" i said

"how would you like it to be changed, commander" she said

"i want EVA units-zero, three, four, and six to be able to shared throughout instead of the nine identical units" i said

"of course commander" she said

"i want the nine identical units to be set to the wielder of the blade only, they are the hounds of the wielder" i said

"understood commander, what of unit-01" she asked

"unit-01 shall be the personal armor of the wielder of this blade when the unit-01 armor is called the full power of this blade is to be released, i also want only one unit-02 and i only want unit-13 to be a summon like the nine identical units, i want those ten units to be a single entity which i can summon as i need" i said

"understood commander, it shall be done" she said

"thank you rei" i said

"i am azrael, the seraphim sword of silence" she said

"i understand, azrael, i shall do my best to live up to your expectations" i said, as i left the world and re-entered the real world

"master, was your task successful" she asked

"i believe so" i said, as i concentrated on summoning unit-01, i succeeded in forming the EVA around me as my armor my shield

"yes it worked" i said as i dispelled the armor

"i will need to work on containing the armor so that only those worthy may wield it right now anyone who steals this blade shall be able to wield it's power, i intend to change it's name as well, so that it better reflects the path i have chosen to take" i said

"what will it's new name be" she asked

"tsukihime, which means moon princess, it is a reminder to me and it also is fitting considering the power this blade holds, if truly unleashed" i said

"i see, i believe i understand, shall we get back to training then" she asked, i nodded

"yes i believe we should" i said

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