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combat class came and as usual i was bored

"would anyone like to issue a challenge" the teacher asked

"i challenge ikari" kiriko called

"very well, lady hattori, lord ikari if you would grab your weapons and meet in the arena" she said

"you wish to test me do you, very well" i said, i walked out carrying azrael

"what happened to your nodaichi" she asked

"this is my djinn weapon, azrael" i said, her eyebrows raised

"i see, duly noted" she said, i drew the sword from it's sheath and readied myself, as she drew her own wakizashi

"BEGIN" the teacher called, i pulled out all the stops, stabbing my sword into the ground, my thirteen evangelions stood at my side

"i will show you my full power, i will show you i am worthy to be at lord yoshito's side, i will show you i am worthy of a place to belong" i muttered, as the evangelions all got into a combat stance, kiriko was staring in slight shock for a moment before she readied herself

what ensued was nothing like what she anticipated, she expected these warriors to be strong, but not nearly this strong, just one of them was stronger then she was, and she only fought twelve of them, for one of the warriors never moved it just stood their and watched as shinji entered the fray with such ferocity that she had never seen before, such......... desperation, she didn't understand why, he was like this, but she knew she couldn't hope to defeat him

"MATCH, WINNER SHINJI IKARI" the teacher announced

"what kind of monster are you" she asked

"one humanity created" i replied sadly, as i sheathed azrael, and the thirteen warriors began to disappear

"thank you my friends" i said quietly, as the last one vanished dissolving into amber fluid

"still believe me to be unworthy" i asked

"your swordsmanship is impressive, but that djinn weapon, is truly remarkable" she said

"my protectors, and you didn't even have to face azrael herself, my first protector and my last" i said she was speechless at that, she could tell there was more, but she could also see pain, and so chose to drop it

"you are worthy, i will look forward to fighting by your side" kiriko said, i bowed to her in response, she returned the bow, as we returned to our seats

"and i you" i said

the rest of the day went by with little issue

"i have a question you have four dragons following you around willing to submit to you why do you not use them" she asked

"unnecessary responsibility, i don't need them, azrael does what they do, without the needed 'maintenance' for the lack of a better word, all i have to do is feed azrael which i am going to have plenty of on the battlefield, since it eats souls, i can just use the enemies i kill to feed azrael, keeping it happy, whereas i would have a lot more work to do with them for what payoff, i do not need servants, i am satisfied with what i have" i asked, kiriko looked at me strangely

"your a strange one, most would jump at the chance to claim them for the power that they would give" she said i shrugged

"maybe i am, unlike others i wouldn't just use them as tools, they are people who deserve to be treated well and cared for" i said

"agreed, but there are also privileges that i would definitely take advantage of" kiriko said

"that is your prerogative i shall not stop you, you asked me why i didn't, i answered, i am not going to attempt to change how others act, that is a losing battle in and of itself, all that matters is that my charges are safe and well" i said, she nodded her understanding to that

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