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"my lord, house takatora......" a samurai reported in a panicked tone as ran in

"that's the eighth of my subordinates" he said with a sigh

"it seems, this is what lord ikari wished to show you" kiriko said to her lord

"your husband is proving to be more problematic then i thought, he can't just kill every problem on the continent" he said

"my lord pardon me for saying this, but he is proving that in fact he can, he isn't just targeting your enemies in house, but outside it too, he has already cowed house morishita, and house kamiya is strangely backing off from our boarders all of a sudden, i think he is trying to send a message to all of the lords in the nation, even the emperor is starting to get interested, especially when asked why he does this" kiriko said, he sighed

"for my own freedom" yoshito seiji quoted

"my lord, lord ikari has returned, he is requesting an audience" a samurai said

"by all means bring him here, kiriko you will rejoin your husband" seiji said

"yes my lord" she said, as they waited for shinji to enter sitting upon a cushion with his nodaichi and his djinn blade sitting before him

"you have proven your point, lord ikari, from this moment forward, you will receive the honesty and trust you have requested" he said, i bowed in gratitude

"ikari kiriko, i release you from my service, as my final order to you, you will from this moment forward dedicate your life to your husband and his needs, even above my own" seiji said, there was a moment of shock on her face before, she composed herself, and bowed her head

"yes my lord" she said, he nodded

"you will still take haruka as your dragon, that has not changed, but my reasons behind it has" seiji said

"lord" i asked

"when i first ordered you to take her, it was so that she would carry your child, so that your djinn could be passed on to a member of my line, now however i see that as unnecessary, use haruka as you see fit, take this as proof of my own honesty in properly welcoming you home, and as my reward for cleaning up all of my enemies" he said, i bowed

"if that is your wish my lord" i said

"good, i will hold the ceremony for you to claim haruka this afternoon, after which i want you to return to your fief, by the time you arrive it should again be livable" he said, i bowed

"i understand my lord" i said

"dismissed" he said, another bow, before i arose followed by kiriko who followed her husband

"my lord, i would like to speak of something" i said

"very well" he said

"there is another i am to claim during the ceremony" i said

"very well, is she one of us" he asked

"yes my lord, i have been asked not to reveal her identity until the ceremony, it is from when i was as you put it 'cleaning up' my lord" i said

"very well, i am intrigued, but will not intervene" he said, i nodded and left at that, kiriko following, as we returned to our rooms

"sit with me" i told her, and she did so sitting before her husband

"i am as your husband ordering you to be completely honest with me" i said, she bowed her head

"as you wish husband" she said

"do you wish to control me" i asked

"husband" she asked

"i can tell that lord yoshito was truly being honest, he truly released you from his service, and he did so to prove to me that he wanted this marriage to stick, for what reason i do not yet know, nor do i care, so long as my lord is honest i will follow him with the utmost loyalty, do you wish for that as well, do you want me to serve you" i asked

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