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shinji never felt more disappointed in his life, the school was needlessly boring, he felt like he was back in that school he went to in tokyo three, he truly missed magdalene, she could make even the most boring lessons, at least somewhat interesting and bearable

he was grateful to be released from the tedium, as he made his way to lunch, as usual accompanied by the princess and her cousin and the two elf girls, since when did he ask for a harem, they were beautiful women do not get him wrong, but he just wasn't interested

"come on yoshito, no need to be such a bitch about this" a woman said, which caused shinji to freeze, his hand wrapping around the hilt of the nodaichi he carried everywhere, as he turned towards the voice to find five goons three girls two boys

"shinji, don't get involved" cassandra said, but she was ignored as he walked up to them just as the leader pushed the girl to the wall

"you'll be well cared for if you become mine" she said, a moment later she let out a cry of pain as shinji hit the woman in the back with the sheath of his sword

"that was a warning, bother her again, and i will draw this blade" i said darkly, a spectral form of unit-01 appearing over me glaring at the five goons

"who the hell are you" she asked

"me, just the named champion of the crown princess of the nation you are currently in" i replied, as cassandra made her appearance known, causing the leader to blanch

"let's go" she said, giving a glare to yoshito, after i was certain they were gone i turned to the girl and kneeled

"had i known you were in this academy, i would have sought you out, my lady" i said

"should i know you" the girl asked

"no my lady it is unlikely that you would, but i know you, my clan is sworn to yours, as is my blade, should you wish to call upon it" i said

"your one of us" she said

"yes my lady, i am shinji, ikari shinji" i said, her eyes widened

"you survived" she said quietly

"i was smuggled out by one of our servants, and was smuggled onto a boat that headed west, i have been here since, training, for the day when i can reclaim my place, as one of your families most loyal servants" i said

"thank you, ikari-san, i am yoshito haruka" haruka introduced herself, she was a slender woman with raven black hair, that went down to her waist

"a pleasure to meet you yoshito-sama" i said

"please rise, you should not kneel to a dragon" she said

"dragon or not, you are a yoshito, my blade is yours" i said

"thank you" she said

"lady yoshito, my deepest apologies" a woman said as two girls speed walked up to us

"it's fine kiriko, one of my father's lost banners has returned to us, and it appears stronger then ever" haruka said, i bowed at the compliment

"and who are you" kiriko asked

"ikari shinji" i said, her eyes widened

"hattori kiriko" she said, giving a bow which he returned

"this is my handmaiden, iwasaki fumiko, a fellow dragon, and you have just met my sworn protector kiriko" haruka said, i bowed to fumiko and nodded kiriko who both returned the bow and nod respectively, kiriko was a mature looking woman with brown hair 

"where have you been" kiriko asked

"here on this side of the sea, training, i could not return to my lord, as weak and useless now could i, that would bring shame and dishonor upon my clan, i have every recently started to build up a powerbase here, i made a promise to my caretaker, which i intend to keep, once that promise is kept, i would be sufficiently strong enough to serve lord yoshito, and would return to his side" i said

"why are you here" kiriko asked

"he was bribed by my father" cassandra said

"bribed with what" haruka asked curiously

"my promise required a piece of territory, i saved his daughter so he gave me the territory, i escorted her daughter here and protect her, and he is personally paying for the work to be done to rebuild that territory back to it's glory" i replied

"i see, very well, remember your place, you are nothing but a commoner before the lord, and to lady haruka" kiriko said, i bristled

"i am the sword of lady haruka, weather or not she wishes to use me is her choice, however, you are not my lord" i said, my hand on the sheath of my blade, she noted this

"we shall see, if you are worthy enough to be a sword to my lady, or the lord" kiriko said

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