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shinji had spent the next two years under the tutelage of magdalene, in that time he had grown a few inches taller, his hair had grown out and he usually keeps it up in a pony-tail, magdalene had also fashioned him his own attire, encompassing of a light green shitagi, followed by dark purple kosode, a pair of hakama, on my lower arms and lower legs was a set of kote, and suneate with a green sheen to them, the garb was reminiscent to that of EVA unit-01 a was the point, although i also wore a 

i had managed to summon unit-13 in the shape of a spear

i could also transform the nine identical evangelions into spears of longinus which i could also control, i learned through speaking directly with azrael, that when i pass on the powers of an evangelion i also pass them a replica lance of longinus...

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i could also transform the nine identical evangelions into spears of longinus which i could also control, i learned through speaking directly with azrael, that when i pass on the powers of an evangelion i also pass them a replica lance of longinus which they can wield themselves

but the current weapon i was using has become my primary weapon, as i didn't want to over rely on azrael, the sword was a jet black nodaichi

but the current weapon i was using has become my primary weapon, as i didn't want to over rely on azrael, the sword was a jet black nodaichi

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"my lord, i have nothing left to teach you, you are a warrior surpassing me" magdalene said

"thank you for your teachings, sensei" i said bowing in respect to her, she smiled

"i have one final request" she said

"sensei" i asked

"please take my head" she said

"sensei" i asked alarmed

"you should have learned, i have not been subtle, i am supposed to be dead, i was brought back by the lords and kept alive when i should not be, so that i can teach you for our world, i have nothing left to teach, and i am tired, please take my head, i have left everything you will need in my chambers for you to take, i only ask that should you return, it is only to bring this land back to it's former glory, even under the empire if necessary, azrael has been begging for blood, i ask that you give it mine" she said

"i understand" i said, she smiled

"you may burn my clothes, after you kill me, or bury them whichever you wish" she said, she led me to the throne room lowering herself to her knees, she lowered her head, as i drew azrael

"thank you sensei, for all you have done for me" i said

"hold yourself with honor, do not allow others to use you, and you will honor my memory' she responded, those were her last words, as i rose azrael into the air before bringing the blade down, cutting off her neck, i stabbed my sword into her chest, as the sword began to absorb everything that was her, until all that was left was her clothes, once the body was fully absorbed i impaled magdalene's head with the sword absorbing it into the blade as well, as was her wish, i then took and buried her clothes, in the only place in the ruins that seemed untouched the crypt, i then burned the crypt

"as thanks for your aid, i swear it upon the sword of silence that this castle and it's surrounding city will again prosper, a new start to this kingdom, a fresh one, and this time, your beloved nation will not fall, this i swear" i said, as i watched the flames burn away all the bodies in the crypt, leaving the place empty

"i do this so that a new future can be forged, and that when the time comes, the new rulers will have a place to be buried within" i said, as i turned as i was about to leave i heard a small voice

"thank you" she spoke quietly, i smiled that made my decision all the more clear

i returned to the castle proper, making my way to magdalene's quarters i found a generic set of leather ninja garb with a note

this is so you do not rouse to much attention, many will recognize your clothes as what an a noble would wear, even an eastern one, this will help allow you to look more like an eastern adventurer, looking for new pastures


"thank you, magdalene" i said, i opened the pouch next to the armor, to find five gold crowns

"these should be helpful as well, although if i remember correctly about the currency this in and of itself may raise some alarm bells" i said to myself but i shook my head, and returned to the task at hand of making preparations to depart, while making a promise to myself that i would return to bring this castle back to it's former glory even if i had to it on my own, i would succeed

i carefully folded my kimono placing it in a pack with another two identical kimonos, a two sleeping yukatas, which were the same shade of purple as the kimonos, the ninja garb was black

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