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i spent the next few months traversing threw the land, passing through a few towns in between the fallen kingdom, as i made my way across the boarders of what would be a small fief for this large empire, that was known as asdonia empire, i eventually made it to a city

"HALT, easterner, a fee is required to enter this city, i hope you carry crowns" the man said

"i do, how much" i said

"you speak common tongue, that will make things much easier for you, a silver crown to enter the city" he said

"i only have gold on me" i said

"i see, well that's fine, give me a gold crown i will convert it for you" i he said, i nodded, and handing him a gold crown, he nodded to his compatriot before taking the gold, he returned soon after, carrying two bags

"seven silver, and three hundred bronze copper crowns, that should last you a while, how much gold do you have anyway" he asked

"do i have to tell you" i asked

"cautious one aren't you, smart, it's fine if you don't it's none of my business, i was just curious" he said

"four gold" i said quietly

"come again" he asked

"four gold" i said

"ah i see, you must a done a favor to some noble, welcome to azramond, you look to be an adventurer of some kind, look for a guard in the city they will give you instructions, and welcome to azramond" the man said, i nodded my thanks and entered the city in my search for a guard or an inn or the adventurers guild whichever i could find first, i heard a feminine cry, i smirked

"feeding time, eh aibo" i asked azrael which was strapped to my back with my nodaichi at my hip, i ran to the scream finding three thugs, who was cornering a noblewoman with a dagger in her hand

"you bastards" she said

"now, that's no way to talk to your master" the leader said, who was then impaled by azrael as the sword began to devour the kid, rendering him out of the fight and soon to be dead i then drew my nodaichi and charged at the other two 

"who the hell are you" he asked

"someone who wishes to feed his djinn, for she is sure hungry, and you are her meal" i said with a smirk, as i slashed a second guy across the chest, noticing that the leader of these thugs was dead i pulled azrael from his back, and turned to the last goon, who took a good look at his buddies and attempted to flee keyword attempted as he was met, by MP unit-05

"oh no your not escaping, weren't you listening your food for my djinn" i said

"no, get away from me, you monster" he said

"one created by human desperation" i said as i stabbed azrael into his chest ruthlessly, a sadistic smirk on my face, once azrael devoured the last goon i turned towards the noblewoman

"i'll give you this chance to leave, i need to feed my blade" i said as i stabbed the leader in his neck and allowed azrael to feed off his body, like a depraved beast, a small smile forming on my face as azrael absorbed the poor bastard

"eat your fill old friend" i said softly

"who are you" she asked cautiously

"someone who just wants to feed and care for his djinn, as it has cared for me" i replied

"djinn's don't usually feed on humans like this" she said

"my djinn is special, the more it feeds the stronger it gets, even some blood would allow my blade to grow stronger, but what my blade truly feeds on is the soul, in order to get to the soul it must first eat everything else that guards the soul" i said

"so easterners are as savage as i hear" she said

"we are actually a very graceful people, we have our less then stellar customs, but even the lowest peasants carry themselves with dignity and serenity, i was a low ranking nobleman of the east a very low ranking nobleman at that" i said with a small chuckle, magdalene made sure i knew all about the eastern nations which i would be giving a cover story for, the ikari family actually existed in this world, they were wiped out at exactly the same time that my own family fractured, which was thirteen years ago at this point, but it wasn't unheard of for the young to survive and escape, the ikari was a low ranking bannerman to a higher-ranked lord, they were wiped out to serve as an example for that lord not to step in line, as the ikari's were known to be that lord's favorite servants

"my family were all killed and i barely escaped with my life, i was raised in the ruins of a former kingdom that is now a part of the empire, which actually is on the east coast, when i am stronger i will likely return to present myself to my families lord, informing him of my survival, and giving my oath of fealty if he wishes it, but that is for later" i said

"i see, would you escort me to the keep, i will of course reward you" she said, changing the subject

"i have little need for money" i said

"what about more sources to feed upon" she asked, i gave her a look

"very well, lead the way and i will guard you until we get to the castle, you will give me my blades food and i will be on my way" i said, she nodded her agreement

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