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"lord ikari, lady haruka wishes to see us" kiriko said, three weeks after their duel

"of course, lady hattori" i said, as i let her lead the way, i found haruka crying and immediately moved to console her

"what is the matter, my lady did someone hurt you, point them to me, and i will personally handle them" i said

"mother has just given birth, a heir has been born" she said quietly, my eyebrow raised smiling genuinely, she seemed very pleased by this

"that's good, my lady" i said

"father has summoned us home, i have told him about you, he asks that you would join us, father wishes to meet the one who bested, my protector" she said

"if that is his wish, i shall come" i said

"we will come too" cassandra said

"do what you will, but you will be informing your father, i didn't invite you, you invited yourself, make certain he knows this" i said

"of course" she said, as she went to write a letter to her father

"when do we leave" i asked

"he is sending a ship to collect us, we leave a week after it arrives" she said

"to give it time to resupply very well" i said

"we have been cleared from classes until our return" kiriko said, i nodded

"very well, i will need to brush up on my etiquette" i said

"you'll likely wish to practice your swordsmanship as well" she said

"would you spar with me, lady hattori" i asked

"it would be my honor" she said, i nodded gratefully at her

three weeks later we boarded the ship and spent another two weeks at see before arriving on eastern shores

"it has been so long, i don't even remember what my home looks like" i said quietly, he left a hand upon his shoulder

"i am sure lord yoshito will understand your plight" she said

"i never said he wouldn't, i am just upset that can't remember my homeland" i said

"take refuge in knowing that lord yoshito avenged your clan" she said, a small smile graced my lips

"that does help me, thank you" i said she nodded, as we walked off the ship

"my lady, welcome home" a samurai said to haruka as he bowed she gave a small respectful bow of her own

"lord yoshito is waiting in shirazaki for your return, especially you lord ikari, it is good to see a member of your clan survived" he said

"thank you, i am glad to be welcomed home" i said, the man bowed before leading the way it was a several day trek before we arrived at the city of shirazaki, where we were escorted to the lord's palace

"welcome home, haruka, and welcome back ikari-san, it gladdens me to see one of your clan surviving, haruka has told me you took up your blade in her protection" yoshito seiji said

"i did my lord, it was my honor to serve the yoshito-clan, as my family has done for generations" i said, he smiled slightly

"so you wish to enter my service then" he asked

"if you will have me, my lord" i said

"for the service your clan has given me over the centuries, and for the service you personally have given to me despite your circumstances, i adopt you into my family, name you samurai of the yoshito-clan, and my heir secondary" he said, my head raised as i stared at him in shock

"should something occur to my newborn heir you will take her place as my heir" he finished

"my lord i am unworthy" i said

"weather or not you are worthy is for me to decide, i did some research upon you, i know you trained by little more then a ghost, despite this you grew to me an honorable man, and i feel i should also aid you in your oath, as such this land will take up their memory, and their emblem as our own, wear it with pride, young samurai" he said, i bowed again

"kiriko, you have been a daughter to me ever since we took you off the streets, and made you what you are now, you will marry my heir secondary" he said

"it is my honor to be his wife and bear his name" she said

"i will expect you to carry yourself as a member of my family, as such do not bow to me again, as of this moment you are my son" seiji said

"you honor me, father" i said

"maybe, but the honor has been earned, now to deal with our foreign guests, you are here to follow my son, yes" he asked

"we are, lord yoshito" cassandra said speaking for the group

"he is now a lord, he will have his own fief to rule regardless of weather or not my heir dies, what will you do while he rules his land in my name" yoshito asked

"i will follow him" cassandra said

"as will we" elleanora said immediately

"you will be expected to follow our laws and customs" seiji said

"we will do our best to learn quickly" cassandra said

"we already know what is expected of us, we came from the east" one of the elves said

"very well, lord ikari, after your marriage to kiriko, you will claim my daughter haruka as your mount, i expect her to be carrying your child by the end of the month" seiji said, i was very grateful to be bowing and as my face was not showing

"as you wish my lord" i said

"good, we shall hold the wedding tomorrow" seiji said

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