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the wedding was a quiet affair, kiriko had little friends having poured all of her time into her duties, and shinji was here a day and was getting married, kiriko was a beautiful woman however and they were already close, so he could see them happy

after their wedding they were given a suite of rooms in lord yoshito's castle

"lord yoshito had planned your marriage to lady kiriko, and had these rooms prepared in advance my lord" a samurai said

"thank you, you may go" i said, leaving the two of us alone as kiriko shed her wedding kimono

"the wife is ready to do her duty, is the husband" kiriko asked in a sultry tone, as she began to undress me, i stopped her and undressed myself, she smirked at that, as she got a good look at him, and he her, she licked her lips at seeing his body, before kneeling down as she began to stroke his cock with her hands, getting him hard before she opened her mouth and slid his cock inside, as she began to lick and suck on him, he gripped her shoulders

"kiriko" i said, she smiled at hearing his tone, as she sucked on him, she knew that physically speaking she was quite a catch, and she had also done many things in her duties to her lord, so she knew how to pleasure men, this prior experience was vastly appreciated by her husband, but she was still a virgin, something her husband would likely also appreciate, and something she could use to her advantage

"kiriko i'm gonna cum" i said, hearing that she began to suck with renewed vigor, as he felt his end allowing his seed to spill into the woman's mouth, which she drank dutifully, as the two of them lowered and he looked into her eyes, he knew instantly, this was just that a duty to the woman, and then it suddenly clicked, she had been asked to stay after the meeting for over two hours, while he was given a 'tour' of the castle by lady haruka

'more people wishing to manipulate me, even now i cannot find a place to belong' i thought

kiriko noticed her husbands expression grow hard, as he rolled off her

"husband" she asked, he simply turned over ignoring her, she frowned 'did he actually notice, no one has ever noticed before' she thought, she had done this many times ingratiated herself with many before why was he different

the next morning 

she awoke to find her husband gone, she got up quickly dressing herself in a yukata, before finding her husband on a zabuton simply watching a katana and wakizashi on the floor before him, his nodaichi sitting on a pedestal behind him

"join me wife" he asked, not even bothering to look towards her, she noticed the cushion sitting in front of him, and sat

"i have asked for a meeting with the lord, i figured i will inform you first, i am leaving, either the east or this life will depend on what lord yoshito wishes but i am leaving" i said, she frowned

"i see" she said

"ask me what you wish in the mean time, i am sure you have questions" i said

"last night how did you know" she asked

"you and lord yoshito may have played this game for a while, but i will not be fooled twice, and the one who used me the first time, was much better at it then you, you were close i will give you credit, but there is one mistake, your eyes, they were cold" i said, she stared

"i see" she said

"i have a question of my own, only one, the past couple of months at the academy and while we were traveling, the camaraderie we shared, was that false as well" i asked

"no, i truly counted you as my friend" she said, i nodded

"lord ikari, lord yoshito will see you now" a samurai said

"get dressed and join us, wife" i said, as i rose, turning and taking the nodaichi

"it seems i am unworthy in our lord's eyes of my families swords, you may have them, that will be my last act as lord of house ikari" i said, as i followed the samurai, causing the woman to flinch, she did as she was told quickly changing into her usual attire, before joining her husband who was sat before their lord

"lord yoshito, i have not been here a full day cycle, and the man i have sworn myself towards is attempting to manipulate me in such a disgusting fashion" i said, he frowned

"would you like to explain your accusation" the man said darkly

"my wife" i said simply, his eyes widened

"how, how did he learn it" he demanded looking towards kiriko

"it is threw no fault of her own, she did extremely well, but i am not like the others you have used this tactic on, i have experience being manipulated and used, and trust me he was better at it, if you truly wanted me as your puppet in that sense you should have been patient enough to break me first, like he did, your mistake was marrying us immediately" i said

"now you have a choice to me make my lord, for you see i wish to leave, weather it is this land or this life is your choice, but i will leave" i said

"and what if i choose to simply take you prisoner, and break you as you put it" he asked, a small smile graced my lips, as the spectral form of EVA unit-01 appeared behind me scaring everyone in the room

"my connection my djinn is greater from my djinn's power, it would be the least i can do for all she has done for me" i said

"i see, and what of your house" he said

"i intend to disown myself, kiriko would have full control over the house of ikari, i would return to the west and the castle that the king is rebuilding for me, and i would remain there in solitude for the rest of my days" i replied

"what a waist, what do you want" he asked

"are you asking what i want for my loyalty my lord, what i want to keep me from leaving" i asked

"yes, i will not lose such a powerful subordinate if i can help it" he said

"dissolve my marriage, i will not be wed to someone who only wishes to use me, for their own purposes or their lords purposes whichever, a wife is to be their husbands closest most trusted confident, i don't care if my wife hates me with a burning passion, you can marry me to a daughter of our enemies, fine, at least it will be an honest marriage" i said

"i assume that is what you want then, complete transparent honesty" he asked

"i am not unreasonable my lord, you do not have to tell me every little plan that goes through your head, what i am asking is that you trust in my loyalty, or if that is so impossible, let me prove my loyalty" i said, he eyed me

"do you know how many of my subordinates wish to stab me in the back and take my place" he asked

"is that what all this manipulation and cloak and dagger is about, fine then" i said, as i rose to my feet and held out my hand as azrael appeared in it, as i stood turned on my heel and left

"where are you going" he asked

"watch, and you shall understand what honesty will get you" i said, as i walked out

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