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i dawned my kimono, including the haori that had the fallen seraphim kingdom's emblem embroidered on the back, like a symbol of honor

"are you certain you do not wish for a dragon by your side, both my daughter and niece would consent to be your mount" elizabeth said

"unneeded" i said, as i stepped out in the arena to meet my opponent

"lord ikari" my opponent said with a bow

"lord cloverdale, it is a pleasure" i said returning his bow with one of my own

"the pleasure is mine, my lord, might i make a request" he asked

"what is it" i asked

"should i lose, i beg you to not take what has occured out on my dragons, they are innocent" he said, i scoffed

"of course they are, they are simply following the will of their master, you need not worry, should you lose, they will not be harmed by me" i said, he bowed again

"thank you, lord ikari" he said, he then turned and mounted his dragon, as i drew my katana

"will you not honor me with the use of your djinn blade" he asked

"my djinn is not something to use in a one on one confrontation, i am actually honoring by drawing my preferred weapon this nodaichi, my djinn is an army destroyer, i will not unleash it's fully power on you, but i am still using it do not worry about that i am not handicapping myself in any way" i said

"i see, my apologies, i look forward to seeing what you are capable of" kevin said

"BEGIN" the king announced in an instant my nine hounds scattered from before me, attacking the champion's dragon, much to his surprise, his second dragon quickly jumped to his aid, but they were still outnumbered nine to two forcing him to dismount and separate from his companions, so it was three on three, but as soon as he was about to duel the three hounds, they vanished to be replaced by an oncoming shinji ikari, blade in hand as he moved to strike at kevin, who barely was able to block the attack causing a small shockwave to emanate between them

"i see what you mean, your using your djinn to empower you" kevin said

"that is what my djinn does it empowers me and my allies, it is my foremost protector" i said, as i broke off my attack to make another swing

as kevin traded blows with his foe he learned he was vastly outmatched by the princess's chosen champion, causing him to smile slightly 'well chosen princess, well chosen' he thought as they dueled, there was pained roar, which caused kevin to freeze

"MYKANI" he said, but that moment of distraction was enough to have him struck diagonally across the chest, causing him to grunt in pain as he dropped his sword falling to his knees

"you fought well, it was my honor to cross blades with you" i said, as i drew azrael from back, he coughed up blood

"the honor was mine" he said as i impaled him in the back with azrael, allowing the blade to feast upon him

"MASTER" both of his dragons shouted in shock and agony

"WINNER, SHINJI IKARI" the king announced, as the two girls ran up to the cloths of their dead master

"i am sorry it has had to come to this, you both seemed to care for him deeply" i said as i sheathed my swords, as i turned and walked away from the two elf girls

i was escorted to throne room to meet the king and queen, which i bowed to respectfully, i noticed that the haiston lord was also there he looked very displeased

"lord ikari as promised the territory is yours, but i have one last task for you, execute this man" he said, i didn't even hesitate my nodaichi came out and swiftly removed his head

"you aren't even worth feeding to azrael" i said to his corps

"thank you, i am sophia haiston, daughter to devon haiston i am the last of my family after he had my mother the head of our family assassinated, he and my younger brother were disgraces to the haiston name" sophia said looking at her father in disgust, i said nothing i merely sheathed my sword

"it will take time for the rebuilding of your territory to be complete, in the meantime, i have a request which could also benefit you" the king said

"a request" i asked, cautiously

"the empire holds an academy for all aspiring dragon riders to come and learn, i as high-king hereby grant you an invitation to the academy as a member of my nobility, an invitation would be given to you regardless, but i had hoped you'd continue to act as my daughter's champion, until such a time as she chooses a more permanent individual to stand with her" the king said, i looked towards him for a moment

"very well, i shall go, only on the condition that the rebuilding of my territory comes at your expense" i said

"agreed" he replied

"i will, protect her, and will inform you if something comes up where i no longer can" i said, he nodded his head

"agreed" he said, i nodded and left at that

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