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claiming yoshito haruka, was a simple affair since it was the lord's wish it was done quickly, and once she was claimed, her new master gestured her to join his wife, who sat next to lord yoshito, the second dragon he was claiming however was a surprise to everyone, her crimson hair giving away her identity

"p-princess nakahara yukiko" seiji stuttered out, and even kiriko was in shock at this, as yukiko transformed into her crimson dragon form, that was a sight to behold every time seiji yoshito saw it

the following ceremony was a magical spectacle much greater then haruka's as she was bonded to her new master, placing her life forever in shinji ikari's hands, once the ceremony was complete, shinji turned to seiji and bowed

"i thank you for your time, my lord" i said

"how did you get the emperors daughter" seiji asked

"the emperor was much more honest with me then you were with your test, my lord, he told me he had a test for me, told me that i needed to complete that test for the safety of the nation, i did as the emperor asked and his reward was this" i said

"what was the test" seiji asked

"my father wished my master, to kill a particular lord that had started to form a rebellion against him, master killed the usurper and destroyed his army" yukiko said, i nodded to her

"i see" he said, how powerful was this ikari, he was starting to wonder if testing the boy to begin with was such a good idea, if he could destroy an entire rebellion without aid

"my lord, when shall i and my family be returning to our families estates" i asked, that seemed to get the man out of his stupor

"tomorrow, you will leave tomorrow morning" he said, i nodded

"good, come kiriko, girls" i said, the three followed

"haruka would you summon the four girls that have been following me" i asked, she nodded, as the four appeared

"cassandra, i want you to take you four home" i said

"what, but-" she was cut off as he raised his hand

"when the time comes that our paths cross again, and if you still wish to be in my service i shall claim you, in the mean time i ask that the two elves are taken care of and not put in a position where they need to be rescued" i said

"as you wish" she said, giving a curtsy

"good, ask lord yoshito if he will prepare a ship for you" i said

"they would have been useful assets, husband" kiriko said when they were gone

"i cannot care for six dragons at the moment, i need to rebuild my clan first, i don't just mean children, lord yoshito will like me to rebuild my families forces, which will take time and effort, i will be leaning on you as it is, but that is a discussion i prefer to have back home when the walls don't have ears" i said

"of course, husband" she said

"for now, would you care for these two, you can even train with them if you wish" i said

"they are your dragon" kiriko protested

"was i not clear earlier, i expect an equal at my side, as such everything i own is yours, and i hope it would be vice versa" i said

"yes my lord, it is, my apologies, i thank you for your trust in me" she said

"it's not much trust, you have been haruka's master for years now already by what you have told me, just don't do anything too stupid, if yukiko dies, by anything except an enemy killing her and/or a punishment for something egregious, it will be our heads the emperor claims" i said

"yes husband" she said

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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