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Oliver sat on the edge of his bed warily. She was still here. She wasn't supposed to be in this state, she wasn't supposed to be in his home. But there she was, sitting on his couch in one of his old t-shirts, cuddled up with is dog, watching his movies. She looked like a mess, hell she was a mess, and she had decided to make a mess of his life.

So while she took over his life he was forced to find ways around her. Around her charm, around the way that she still had that irritating ability to make him want to hold her close and at the same time shake the sense into her.

His guilt had grown so much that he had neglected the one thing that probably could have brightened his dark mood: Clara.

Instead of answering the 6 calls she had left him he had let each one of them go to voice mail. Instead of replying back to her 11 text messages he had read them and tried to respond but what would he say, "Hey Clara, sorry I can see you this week. My ex girlfriend moved back in and now I have to deal with her issues."? There was no way he'd be able to say that to her without her getting upset or worse never wanting to see him again. So instead he pushed that issue on the back burner and hoped that she'd understand.

He felt stupid. He felt ridiculous. He felt empty.

When he had finally gotten the ability to move he stood up and shuffled his feet towards the kitchen. Hearing him Rufus' ears perked up and Jennifer watched him. She used to be repulsed by the idea of not looking her best. He couldn't remember a day where her dark hair wasn't perfectly styled and her red lipstick wasn't perfectly applied. But something had broken her and left her a hollow shell of what she used to be and he wasn't sure how to fix it.

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