Love and War

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"How is she doing?" Phil asked on the phone as I sat on my couch, Lauren curled up next to me sound asleep.

"She's alright...I guess." I looked at my sleeping friend. After her breakdown at the party I had taken her back to her and Jess's apartment. This only ended in the disaster of the two getting into a fight which led to a termination of a relationship and the purchase of a flight back home for Jess.

"How are you supposed to be doing after your girlfriend breaks up with you and she flies back to America?"

"It really wasn't something they could work out? They seemed perfectly happy all the times I've met them." Phil said.

"I don't know, Jess absolutely hated London and they've both seemed really strained lately. I guess it was bound to happen. We're young anyways, relationships don't last." I winced as I realized what I had said to my boyfriend of all people. "I don't mean...I just meant...uh..."

Phil laughed and relief washed over me that he wasn't upset. "No, its fine, Little Intern. You've made it abundantly clear just how much faith you have in relationships."

"And you're okay with my lack of faith?" I asked in shock.

"It'll just make it better when I prove you wrong." Phil chuckled. "I'm going to head to bed; we've both got that festival for BBC tomorrow. It's going to be a lot of fun."

"If by fun you mean torture where I'm dragged around by Brianna as she tries to campaign for me to permanently be on the radio show, then sure it'll be fun." I rolled my eyes, gently moving Lauren's head from my lap to a pillow as I stood.

"No, it'll actually be fun. I was talking to some of the guys and they said there's going to be a lot of cool activities and games. They want me and Dan to complete some challenges. I bet they'll have you and Brianna do the same."

I tucked a blanket around Lauren and walked to my bedroom. "Well, it sounds like you'll be so busy with Dan you won't have any time to see me." I teased "And really, how much fun could that be?"

"Oh, I'll find time for you, don't you worry. Goodnight, little intern."

"Goodnight, Philip." I hung up and crawled into bed, but sleep didn't come as my mind focused on everything currently wrong in my world. Lauren was heartbroken. Jess was on a plane to America. I'd be on a plane to America also soon enough and the mere idea of ending things with Phil made my heart shatter to pieces. Why had I let myself get so attached?The festival at work was very fun, though it was nothing like events back in my hometown. 


Originally I was just supposed to be helping with running the festival and doing behind the scenes activities, but Brianna was supposed to be showing off various events at the festival and refused to do it alone.

"It's a hotmess thing to present the festival and Nikki is part of hotmess." Brianna protested to my boss.

"Nikki's internship is not meant to be an on-air thing. I can't keep forcing the girl to participate, Brianna. Now please just get started, I have lots of other things to be doing."

"But it's not forcing her. The girl has a bleeding youtube channel, it's not like she's unused to the spotlight." Brianna whined. "And I've read her contract; it says every aspect of radio. This is an aspect. She's a part of hotmess."

"No, she's really not." My boss said, her eyes settling on me standing in the corner of the tent, eavesdropping while I was supposed to be busy filing release forms. "Not that we don't love you, Nikki, but technically you're just a temporary host." She glared at my blonde friend. "Brianna knows this."

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