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"Master Wayne may I speak with you?" I just nodded, it was about 10 pm, Frank and dick were upstairs doing please don't tell me and Alfred and I were on the couch.

"Let's re allocate ourselves to the batcave, I don't think this is a conversation you'd want to have up here, Master Wayne." I just titled my head.

"Uhm, okay Alfred."

We went down separate elevators and when I arrived he was standing with his back to me.

"Have you been taking your medication?" I huffed.

"Alfred, seriously, you just saw me pick it up a few days ago." He hummed.

"I wasn't talking about your anti depressants." I sighed.

"I don't have anxiety I don't know why you think I need to take those. I have no unnecessary stress I can't deal with by myself." Alfred frowned.

"Master Wayne I think you have more stress on you than any individual ever has. Besides being the top super hero and president of the justice league, you have four children and a multi-billion dollar empire."

"Okay Okay. Fine, I'll take it tomorrow
Morning, but I don't think I need it everyday."

"Sure, improvement is improvement. Now. Second matter of business." He said before frowning at me.

"Would you rather talk to me about it or shall I say what you know I'm talking about gerard." I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not sure what you mean."

"Frank." My eyebrows shot up.

"What about?" He pursed his lips at me.

"Master Wayne." I sighed.

"The boys and Selina don't know but I'm not sure how much longer you can hide it from them at the rate your going. I'm all for whatever you decide to do in your private time but who you do it with concerns me."

"Alfred please just, don't reprimand me for this."

"Master Wayne is that what you think I'm gonna say about this? All I was going to say is that I think forming anything romantic with him might bother your sons. Dick and Jason have been fighting over him for a few days now. And I imagine either of them would be fairly bitter if they found out that you were- winning him over." I bit my lip.

"You think they would be mad?"

"You don't?"


"WHAT THE FUCK!" Frank screamed at the top of his lungs. I was just sitting on the couch. With a friend of mine.

"Is something wrong?" I cocked my head. Frank was on the opposite couch sitting on the back of it crouched on the back and he looked scared, his body language was, horrifying.

"WHY IS SUPERMAN HERE." I let out a sigh of relief.

"Wait how do you know I'm Superman" Frank rolled his eyes.

"Girl be so fucking for real." I nodded.

"Yeah Clark I think everyone knows." He pursed his lips.

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