Cry for Help

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I'm not really sure what's happening right now, I'm cuddling with an 18 year old who is, weirdly attractive to me, I think it's because he looks like his dad, who is so hot sometimes I feel like I have to leave the room.

But that's not an excuse to let him put his arm around me. But I'm kinda pissed at gerard right now. So it's fine.

"Damian I haven't seen you sense you were what? 15? What have you been up too?" Flash asked Damian nonchalantly.

"Uhm well I do good at school, my college keeps offering me athletic scholarships because I'm a metahuman and they just think I'm a strong guy, not sure what to do with that. I like playing basketball and all but it's not fair to the-everyone else not being a metahuman, I mean natural physical advantage isn't something I can turn off. I have a group of women who follow me around I'm not sure how to break the news to, and my roommate is hot and straight. So overall. Collage is fine." Batman gave him a look.

"Wait are you full gay?" Damian furrowed his brows at him.

"Dad I was in a two year relationship with superboy?" Batman nodded.

"That doesn't make you full gay." Batman groaned.

"Well I'm fully gay, so is Tim, I think dick might be, and Jason married Ryan when Ryan was a lady. So." Batman rolled his eyes.

"Its weird to think about Jason sleeping with women." I interjected. Everyone raised there eyebrows at me before deciding to just ignore me.

"I'm going to get a drink, Frank? Barry? Want anything?" Barry rolled his eyes.

"You know I can't get drunk right?" Batman opened his mouth.

"Totally forgot about that Barry. Frank?" I just shrugged.

"Something clear please." Batman rolled his eyes.

"Why didn't I get offered a drink?" Flash rolled his eyes.

"The last time I asked you how old you were you said 'and a half'" Damian groaned.

"Cmon I'm 19." I rolled my eyes.

"19 isn't twenty one." Bruce said walking into the room with four drinks. He handed me one and one to Damian. And also one to flash.

"Mhmmm vodka pineapple." I said before looking at Damian frowning.

"Is this chocolate milk?" He groaned. Batman grinned.

"Maybe." Flash sipped his. Bruce settled down next to him and put his arm over his shoulder.

"This is just water." Batman nodded.

"I mean it's not like you can drink so." Flash shrugged.

"Its nice and cold, I appreciate the effort."


"Refill, immediately!" I hollered at Bruce as I finished of my third drink.

"Bossy." He mumbled as he got up and walked to the kitchen to get me another drink.

"He's so whipped." Flash mumbled as he took another drink of water.

"I can hear you." Bruce shouted from the kitchen. Barry rolled his eyes.

"Congratulations." Damian yelled back.

"Your so pretty." He mumbled at me and I turned to look at him.

"Your really pretty too." I said to him, running my hand over his face. "Your so pretty."

"Hey what the fuck." Bruce said walking out of the kitchen.

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