Arms keep missing you

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Please grant gustin I would do anything


"Hey." Dick said sauntering in from the batcave, me and gerard were on the couch watching a movie.

"Hi." I said to him, he came and sat down between me and gerard and he wrapped his arm around me. I saw Gerard's jaw tense up. Dick was still in costume and god he looked good.

"I love a man in uniform." I mumbled to him. He smirked.

"Wanna go love a man in uniform upstairs?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Hmmm how about you shower and I'll think about it, the blood on your face isn't exactly a turn on." Dick smiled before standing up and going upstairs.

"Whipped." Bruce mumbled.

"Whipped in deed." I saw Selina walk in and she smirked.

"Afternoon." She hummed before she sat down across from us and crossed her legs.

"Funny you pay a visit right after Damian leaves." He said, she just shot him a look.

"Why do you think I came down here?" I raised an eyebrow and turned my head around, Damian was standing in the door frame.

"My last few Classes got cancelled so I decided to pay a visit." Damian said walking into the living room.  He sat down across from me on the couch with his mom.

"A visit to your mom?" Gerard asked.

"I'm sure that's what I'm gonna tell you." He mumbled, I saw his eyes go to me and look me up and down. He bit the Corner of his lip.

"What have you guys been up to?" He questioned. Me and bats looked at eachother and then at him.

"Nothing" we said together, Damian raised an eyebrow.

"Okay." Selina shot me a look.

"So is Frank sleeping with everyone in this house now? I mean I knew he was with dick at some point and Jason but what is going on?" She said, furrowing her brows.

"We aren't sleeping together." Bats said defensively.

"Sure. Let's go with that." Selina said passively. "Damian?" He smirked.

"We are sleeping together." Selina shook her head.

"That's, interesting." She mumbled. She stood up.

"I'm gonna leave you guys be, I think you'll have a grand time." She grinned before waking to the batcave.

"Selina that is not your room!" Gerard yelled before chasing her out to the cave.

"I'll be back in a few, hours, Jesus." She hollared as she ran.

"Does that normally happen?" Damian sighed.

"Mom running away to go do something illegal and dad chasing her around? Somewhat weekly, let's hope he finds her before a cop does." He said blankly.
"Frank?" I raised an eyebrow as he walked over and sat down next to me and placed a hand on my jaw.


I felt his lips on mine somewhat instantly, his hands running through my hair as he laid me down on the couch.

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