Chapter 1

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Just another day in hell.

I thought to myself as I sit up in bed still alive. I look over at the pill bottle from last night of sleeping pills. "Guess you did your job. Thanks." I mumble and get up and search my floor for some clothes.

"Hey Zee," my mom knocked on my door, trying to sound as sweet as possible.

"Yes?" I sighed and threw on some black skinny jeans and a All Time Low shirt.

"Pancakes on the table don't forget therapy today, your dad and I are taking Noah to his friends while your at therapy and we'll be out for awhile after we drop him off." She smiled whilst poking her head through the doorway. I gave her a look almost tempted to say 'boo'.

"Thanks." I said in the most sarcastic way possible.

She shut my door and I went into the bathroom which I sadly had to share with my older brother, Noah. Noah is my idiotic sports obsessed annoying brother who still hasn't gotten his licence yet. Sometimes I realy can't stand how much he makes fun of me. Kind of why I now have to go to therapy. That, and the fact I'm 'antisocial'.


There was 2 doors to the bathroom. The one on Noah's side and one on my side. Usually Noah doesn't lock the doors unless he is showering. I hear the door click and feet patter across the floor to what is his room and the bathroom door on the other side slam.

"The least you could do is OPEN the door Noah." I screamed. Sometimes he acted as if he was 9.

I smacked his door, which was a soft blue while mine was pink and red. I hadn't got around to bugging my mom about letting me change the color of my room to a more nuetral palette. Most like dark colors or a dark purples and blues. I quickly brushed my teeth than ran downstairs to eat my pancakes then got ready to head off to therapy. Which was not needed.

"You're going to have to skate there, we're leaving." My dad called out to me.

"Okay." I simply muttered not giving two shits as I ate my pancakes and drank some orange juice.

After I had finished my pancakes and orange juice I put my plate in the sink filling my glass up with water. To rinse the last of the pulp out of the glass. I made my way down some more steps to the basement than took a left down towards the garage.

I tried to find my old skateboard hidden under piles of trash. Looking down, I decided it was now or never and they would probably call my mom if I didn't show. I stepped on the skateboard and rode it to my location.

I slowly walked in the building towards hell. Once inside I noticed a bunch of kids who were all teenagers around the same age maybe a few years apart.

"Hi, I am Janet, I am going to be leading the group therapy today. There are name cards over there, just put your name on one if you would and stick it to yourself and if you feel like you want to share why you are here you can add a star and I will know where to start the group conversation." Janet smiled. She was way to perky.

I looked over to the table filled with name cards that were all different colors; red, blue, green, purple, yellow, black. I grabbed a black name card and put my name on it. I printed Zee as nice as I could and probably as small as I could. 


I walked into the building. I kind of got the memo of putting my name on a card. I looked at the backpack I was carrying. No one else really had anything with them but me. I felt like such an outcast oh wait I am. I guess I am glad I have my backpack. my mom didn't know I brought my penny board considering my backpack was a skateboard bag. I stuck my name tag onto my chest and looked around the room starting to feel super unwanted as people talked to each other. The session hadn't started so I walked out.

"Hey where are you going?" A tall teenage boy followed me. He had blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"None of you damn business." I said back and tried to read his name tag but forgot to put my contacts in this morning. Once he jogged and was closer I read it clear as day. 'Luke'

"Well Maegan? I think that you should come back." He said and I shrugged and started to walk back with him.

I quickly slide my penny board forward and jumped on pushing off as hard as i could trying to get the most speed as i could. Not paying attention to Luke's screams or the fact I was in a completely packed parking lot with people pulling in and pulling out dropping there kids off. I looked back and Luke and flipped him off.

The next thing I know I am laying on the ground. My body feels like its on fire. I have only felt this feeling a few times. It was road burn. I was starring up at the sky now and not back at Luke.

"OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY?!" The person gave a girlish screamed and started to panic.

"Yeah I am fucking fine." I looked under her car to see my board still going. "Damnit!" I said and hit the car's front bumper.

It hurt to get up. So I did it slowly. I noticed a teenage boy in the passenger seat  he just gave me a look as to say 'good job asshole you got hit.' I looked over to the drivers side to see a girl. I figured they were probably brother sister. The boy looked Asian and so did the girl.

"Are you sure your okay?" The girl asked again and tried to grab me.

"Yeah I am fucking fine. I just need my board and to get out of here." I said with a glare at her as Luke came up to me.

"Holy shit are you okay? You just got hit. I think you should be checked out at a hospital." Luke said and I glared at him.

"I have fell off the skateboard more than you think I am fine. Another road rash never hurt anyone." I said and the boy in the passenger seat got. He was in long sleeves and in a all black hoodie. I watched him walk away from the scene.

"Well I don't think there is any damage to the car. If you promise your fine I won't call 911 or anything. Okay?" The girl said trying to gain my attention as I watched her passenger walk away towards the park I was going to go and sit at.

"Yeah I-I'm fine. I-Uh is your passenger suppost to be going to therapy?" I asked and the girl nodded and turned around to see the car now empty.

"CALUM THOMAS HOOD GET YOUR ASS BACK OVER HERE!" she yelled quite loudly giving me a certain deafness for a few moments as my ears rang. "Sorry he usually isn't like this." The girl gave us a wave and walked away from me and Luke.

I walked over toward them following the girl to pick up my penny board. I than noticed the boy, Calum, picked it up and started to walk towards me. While the girl smacked him upside the head and gave him  few choice words and he just shrugged them off. He put his hand out with the board in it. It was shaky like he was afraid. I kept my wrist hid under my long sleeves. No one was ever going to know not even the therapy people. That is a promise. I am promising myself to never let anyone find out.

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