Chapter 52

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"Where were you?!"

I stopped dead in my tracks.

"I went for a walk..." I lied through my gritted teeth. I mean they obviously probably saw my bike was still here.

"Excuse me? You're a girl. It's so dangerous for you to go out all alone are you crazy?"

"No. Mom I'm old enough to do things on my own now."

I didn't want to explain further what she said. I already felt the tears well up. I ran back outside forgetting my phone...straight to Calum's house only to find that he wasn't there at all.


There are days when I still don't want to get out of bed. The days when I scratch my wrist feeling the tick in my brain telling me too. But right now waking up his arms felt so right. Luke was sleeping soundly letting out soft snores.

I slowly got up out of bed checking my phone. Waking up was something I dreaded. I hoped one day, actually most days, to wake up and it would all be a dream. You know my life and all. I sighed seeing Kayden passed out on my floor holding a red car in his hand.

I picked him up and took him back to the play room my mom had set up. I placed him on the make shift sofa bed for the kids seeing Kyson already asleep. As I walked down the steps ever so quietly I heard a couple of soft voices.

There stood Cal along with Michael and Ash. I felt confused and lost but okay all in one even if Zee was missing. I still felt safe with them. An odd feeling but the feeling deep inside the pit of my stomach was still there, the feeling that I wasn't okay. I plastered a fake smile on my face and would pretend I was at least....

I felt like I needed to let Luke know my feelings but didn't know how. I think I needed to let everyone know my feelings.

"Morning Mae." Ash said softly. I nodded and gave a soft somber smile.

Walking more in towards the kitchen Michael had a cup of coffee ready for me. I smiled and gave him a soft nod to say thank you. Sitting on the counter I tilted my head to the side and drank from my cup ever so slowly. I poured at least half of the sugar container into my cup. I had tried hard to put on a brave face and muscle through my thoughts but nothing seemed to be working anymore.

Cal shifted uncomfortably when he pulled out his phone scrolling slowly.

"Oh shit.." he whispered, "oh shit...shit." Cal whispered to himself. We glanced at him curiously.

"What is it?" Ashton questioned.

"Zee's at my house." with that he raced out. Ashton raised an eyebrow and spoke,

"Is it that bad that she's at his house?"

I shrugged bluntly laying my head on the wall next to me.


She was in my room. The place where I even forbid my parents to enter most of the time. The only place where I let my sorrow out and kept all my lies and secrets...

Why the hell was she in my room?

I was running, sweat began building up once again. It was like a part two to my workout. I glanced at my all too familiar, quite large house. I stopped in my tracks glancing at my room window seeing no movement.

"Zee!" I yelled once I stepped inside the house. I didn't even care that she invaded my privacy anymore. I knew what her reaction was going to be.

"Zee I can explain!"

There was silence. Then,

"Explain what Calum?" her voice cracked and I felt my heart fall as I began jogging up the long staircase. I made it to my room. Zee was only standing in the doorway but her teary eyes were trained on the black duffel bag on my bed.

"Alcohol?" she chuckled. It was quite scary even. "I was expecting something like drugs thank god." she stared straight ahead.

I couldn't tell if her emotions were even catching onto her words. Was she being sarcastic?


"Why? Are we not good enough?"

"I can explain-"

"No why don't you tell me first why the hell you have a gun under your mattress." she nodded over to the weapon under my bed and I shut my eyes groaning.

"What the hell are you?" she whispered, "a criminal?"

"Can you just let me explain?" I pleaded. She just stared at me crossing her arms.


"I knew you'd react this way...which is why I kind of was hesitant to throw everything at you. The's only once in awhile Zee please don't be pissed at me. I'll even tell you that I smoked a few times but lately I haven't ever since I had you. The sister Mali-Koa gave me that. She gave it to me secretly, said I needed to protect myself and I don't know why. I'm going to figure out one day. She travels the whole world. I even forgot where she is right now...I just...I need your help. All of you." My voice cracked and I sat down on my bedroom floor.

Zee stared at me finally meeting my eyes. She was startled and looked at me teary eyed.

"I just came to look for you I'm sorry...your Mum let me in saying you would be back then she literally left me here alone." she whispered cracking a small smile.

"My mum knows you. She trusts you." I whispered back and her face fell.

"My mum doesn't."

"She doesn't know me or you?" As soon as I said that question I regretted it.


"I'm sorry."

"No don't be. Do me one favor."

"What is it."

"Let's go find your mysterious sister and solve this gun problem. Do you even know how to use it?"


"Okay...let's go to Maegan's house."

"Okay. Oh hey Zee?" I paused as she stared at me. "I love you."

"Calum Hood? I'll always love you."


"Can't we just ask your mum or dad where she is?"

"It's not that simple." I replied tapping the arrow keys on my laptop. The group was surrounded around me as soon as I had finished ranting. Man it felt good. "Mali is very smart. She tells everyone that she's a journalist and that she flies all over the world, which is true but why would she need to carry a gun? And why did she give me one? My parents called her a few days ago, she was in Italy then. Now she's probably somewhere in like Hawaii..." I trailed off. I seemed to have caught everyone's interests as I explained my mysterious sister.

"Well...I love adventures," Ashton grinned, "but we all can't just get up and leave. I mean I know it's summer but, Kristy.."

Michael nodded along with Ashton, "Yeah...I have a summer job..."

Mae and Zee were silent the whole time and Luke just smiled.

"I'll come mate. I'll help you to the best of my efforts."

I sighed and smiled at Luke. "I'm sorry. I mean for all I know this could just be her trying to protect me cause I'm younger but, I know it's more than that."

Mae finally spoke, "I'm not letting Luke out of my sight so..." she mumbled sheepishly as Luke kissed her head. I smiled wide and hugged her and she let out a low chuckle. I finally turned to Zee.


"I can't."

Hi. Erm. I dont really know what to say except that I'm sort of changing the plot because it was really quite depressing and sort of unrealistic. Also this story is going to be ending soon and I'm actually quite excited even though I still don't really know how to end this.

~ z e e

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