Chapter 33

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I love this song^ && i love troye
- z e e


I layed next to Calum as he silently grabbed my hand and stared up at the ceiling in the darkness.

"We never finished our date." Calum mumbled while pecking the top of my hand. I shrugged as he turned over on his side.

"It doesn't matter I had fun anyways. Plus you helped throw my birthday party, so I had a lot of fun."

"Me too." I pictured Calum grinning in the darkness.

"So, tomorrow we go back to Sydney." I mumbled.

"Yeah..." he trailed off, "I'm gonna miss this."

"Me too," I added, "especially cause school starts in a few days." I sighed. Calum groaned in my ear making a chill run down my spine. I shivered pulling the covers closer to my chest.

"You cold in hot weather?" Calum chuckled.

"Nah...your kind of breathing on my collar bone which is not okay right now." I croaked as he scooted closer.

"Why?" he whispered as I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Because..." I breathed. Calum leaned closer, his lips barely touching my bare skin. I shivered. My neck had goosebumps as he slowly trailed his fingertips over my skin.

"What's that?" He ran his fingers over my birthmark. I was surprised he could see it.

"A birthmark." I mumbled pulling my shirt up.

"It's cute." He removed my palm from covering it as he placed a light kiss on it. I inhaled deeply feeling his hand trail down my waist.

"Calum." I sighed turning around so our noses touched.

"Yes?" he grinned.

"It feels like we're dating..." I mumbled.

"We are though right?"

"No like boyfriend and girlfriend." Cal became silent as I immediately wanted to take that back.

"Sorry, shouldn't have said that." I sighed as kissed the top of my head.

"Go to sleep," he whispered, "we have to head early to the airport tomorrow."

I nodded and snuggled under his touch. But I couldn't help but feel hurt at the fact that he ignored me mentioning that we were 'dating' whatever that meant.


"Zee wake up." Calum nudged me. He was fully dressed and hovering over me. I squinted my eyes in confusion. I looked past him to see everyone else peeking in through the door in curiosity.

"You okay? You slept like the whole day."


"It's like lunch time," he mumbled running his fingers through his hair, "did you not sleep last night?"

"Yeah..." I whispered.

"Why? Was something bothering you?" he was genuinely concerned as he ran his fingers through my hair. It truly felt as if we were dating, but it was like something was holding him back from asking me.

"No I'm fine." I sat up and exited the bedroom as the others ran off to not 'expose' themselves from snooping. The sun shone through the windows as I held a hand up to shield it from completely blinding me.

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