Chapter 18

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Funerals suck. They are meant for sad people to celebrate someones life. Luke was dressed in all black and his black vans. I wore a black dress I told my mom I wanted to be buried in when I went and she just rolled her eyes at me. My grandfather wore his Navy coat they gave him when he retired.

"Ready to go see Uncle Ted one more time kiddo?" My grandpa said coming up and patting me on the shoulder.

"Not really. He was soo healthy." I muttered starting to feel the tears prickle at the edges of my eyes.

'don't you dare fucking cry' I told myself mentally.

I held Luke's hand as we walked toward the car. I drove up to the funeral home and saw all his family walking around and some of them waiting like they were waiting for someone. I walked right up to my uncle Teds wife and gave her a big hug telling her how sorry I was.

"He would have loved to see you graduate hun." She said and wiped my tears.

"I would've love for him to be their to tell me all the things I did at the hospital." I said letting out a little laugh and wiping my eyes. 

Patty, my uncles wife patted my hand and we parted ways. I waited for Luke to give his dearest apologize and to snag a pew in the back. We sat back their me sitting on his lap.

"You never told me your uncle was black?" Luke said and drew random things on my back.

"He isn't my real uncle just a very very close family friend Luke. They are my hospital family." I say and kiss his cheek as I see the little kid i have been dying to see walk in.

"Mylo?" I question and get up off Luke's lap and tapped the small child's shoulder.

He started smiling and signing a million words making one giant long sentence. I smiled and nodded wiping his eyes. Luke looked a little confused and I just kind of left him there to be a little confused.

"This the reason I learned Sign language." I told Luke and picked mylo up placing him on my hip. I looked over at his mom and smiled she nodded letting me take him.

"Oh um Mylo this is my boyfriend Luke. Luke this is my kiddo Mylo or aka the first love of my life." I say and Luke scoffed jokingly. Mylo put out his hand and the boys shook hands. Mylo fixed where is cochlear implant sat.

"My name Mylo. M-y-l-o." He stated super shakily. I was so proud of the young man he was becoming.

"My name is Lucas but I like to be called Luke can you do that?" Luke said looking into Mylo's eyes who nodded eagerly and lunged to give Luke a hug.

"Man kids just love you Luke." I say and Mylo smiles giggling at how funny he is.

"I want one, one day maybe, Not soon." He says and smiles.

I watch the 2 boys as we walk out of the funeral home and about a block and get some ice cream. Mylo eats his and gets a little on his face which I than clean off his face. I kiss his cheek causing him to blush and Luke to play jealous.

"Your so mean to me you love a little kid more than me." Luke pouted and I kiss his cheek.

"Your my little dorks." I kiss his cheek.

I watch as the procession of cars for the funeral go by caring my Uncle Ted's body to his finally resting spot. I got kind of quiet. Mylo grabbed my hand and looked at me with puppy dog eyes and signed home.

"Yeah he is going Home." I smile and pointed to the cars.

"H-Home." He said and hugged me tightly and i closed my eyes why can't I take him with me.


I took a picture of Maegan and Mylo hugging. I sent it to Zee with a caption saying we could try. I smile as we left to go back to the car. Maeg and I took Mylo's hands and lightly swung the smile child and he giggled uncontrollably. I want this one day a little family of my own. Maybe even with Maegan.

We took Mylo home that night. Maegan and I ate Mexican food and I reminded her we had to go to the air port that night. She nodded as we packed out bags promising her grandfather she would be back before her birthday. He told her to not waste her life to live.

"Come one Maeg" I say as we board the plane.

She rested her head on my shoulder and I smile as we turned on a movie. She was so perfect but so broken. Something is inside her eating her up. I intertwine our fingers not wanting to wait anymore. I wanted her to know how perfect she was.

"Mae wakey wakey sunshine." I whisper.

"Have we landed?" She said in a really high pitched sleepy voice.

"No hun I just come with me." I said and we got up walking to the back by the restrooms.

We got up and walked into the bathroom as people looked at us oddly. I grabbed her hands and pulled her into the restroom with me. I sat down and pulled her on my lap hitting the lock button to now say occupied. We sat their in utter silence and steady breathing. With one look in each others eyes we started kissing deeply. Our tongues fought for dominance in each others mouth.

I ran my hands up her sides. She had goose bumps trailing up her sides at my touch. We broke away and our breathing was now heavy trying to catch up with our heavy beating hearts and thats how it started.


It was so hard to go home to a place where you are unwanted. I had let my Kristy follow me home and told her to stay in my room and told her to not be seen by anyone. Her adoptive family hasn't even started a report to say that she is missing. I walked up to the house and heard screaming.

"You dumb whore get the fuck out of this house." I heard someone yell and a girl stumble out of her house.

She carried a backpack with what I assumed was her thing. She had long blonde hair and crystal grey eyes that spoke to me when words were not able to be spoken. Her little red fingers from what i was guessing was the cold were wrapped tightly around her bag. She probably only stood at about 5'3.

"Are you alright?" I spoke out in shock at the shaking girl in front of me.

"ye-yeah." her small voice broke.

"It's okay I am not going to judge you." I spoke and put out my hand like i would for a small child. 

"My name is Ashton my friends call me Ash what is your name?"

"M-My name is Alice." She said and put out her hand and we shook hands.

Right then my phone beeped and I smiled knowing Maegan and Luke were both back in Australia safe and sound. Well maybe not safe but at least we are all back together as a group. 

"Well Miss Alice would you like to go on an Adventure to mine and my friends wonderland?"

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