Chapter 7

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As night went on and everyone got tired soon we started to drift to sleep except Luke and Maegan who have a rush of adrenaline from earlier. I starred at the stars. Unsure if what people really said was true. Where stars really just the souls of people who had past. I let my mind wonder before leaning my head on Michael's shoulders and he looked at me and patted my leg a little before I was content with falling asleep.

The next morning when we all awoke Maegan and Luke were still asleep. Maegan had her head laying on Luke's chest and Luke wrapped an arm around Maegan as if someone may take her. I kind of chuckled and took a picture. Calum came up and hugged me from behind.

"They will make a cute couple one day you know?" He said and I nodded.

"Yeah they would." I muttered.

I looked over at Ashton and Michael while they were signing back and forth to each other. Michael had a genuine smile on his face. It could light up a whole room. I wondered sometimes if he knew how you can just change someone's day just by smiling to them.

"I think we should wake Luke and Maegan up." I said and went and shook Luke and Maegan lightly.

"Piss off." Maegan said and tried to hide in Luke's shirt.

"Its like 9:30 in the morning. I'm getting hungry waiting for you guys." I say and they groan getting up and Maegan stretches.

"Okay so I uh hold on." She starts digging in her pockets and pulls out $60. "Yeah i only got 60 but i think if we split meals i mean would could probably eat at IHOP or something like that." She suggested and shrugged while the boys chuckled at her.

"You really aren't from here are you?" Ashton said and giggled.

"obviously not." She rolled her eyes and shoved the money into his chest.

"Violence is not the answer." He said and pulled her close.

"Yeah but other things are." Maegan said and cocked her head to the side which cause Calum and Luke to laugh.

Ashton shut and rolled his eyes and Maegan smiled. She was definitely not a morning person. I stretched one last time before getting in the car and starting the long drive back into town. We started to look for a place for us all to eat at. We found a small diner and Ashton parked the car and we got out.

"Welcome to the sunshine diner." A middle age woman seated us and took our drink orders.

Maegan was the only one to order water while we all ordered soda. I looked at her and she looked at the table a little unsure. When the woman came back and asked us for our orders Maegan order hardly anything an egg and 2 sausage links. I started to wonder if she was anorexic i mean she looked really small. You could practically see her ribcage. I watched her as she kept picking at her nails and fiddling with her hands.

"So Maegan why didn't you get soda like the rest of us?" I asked knocking everyone out of the awkward silence.

"Don't wanna talk about it." She said and looked up out toward the window.

"Come on Maegan. We aren't going to judge you." I said and put my hand on top of her something that was supposed to be a comforting gesture.

"I am allergic to coke." She said which was the basic soda here.

"Why didn't you say something than when we were looking at the menus?" Ashton said and she shrugged.

"I was always told to just order something else and not cause a problem for everyone else so that is what I did. I got something else I got water and yes it sucks but i am used to it." She said and Luke looked at her.

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