Chapter 41

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Walking toward therapy was such a drag knowing Luke had homework and my mom had grounded me. I walked listening to my music until I ran into an unexpected person at the door of the building. The sparkling blue eyes looked down at me causing me to take out my head phones and question my vision. I shook my head as the figured chuckled down at me holding out his hand. I took it and than wrapped him in a tight hug.

"Your not supposed to be here." I said and held onto him tightly as he picked me up.

"Yeah and you promised me you'd be better. Now what is this I heard about a detention little missy." The figured spoke adjusting his jacket. I took his Army sunglasses off his head and put them on my face an smiled at him.

"Oh you know just being me. Sometimes my mom just needs to stay on her toes some more. Is anyone else here you know from home?" I asked now peering up at the sky which was just tented enough to see the clouds.

"Yeah Alex came with and a certain someone." He poked my side causing me to laugh and slap him lightly. He just rolled his eyes until Luke came over wrapping an protective and jealous arm around me lightly pulling me away from him.

"Hi, I'm Luke." He said and put out his hand for the male figure who was a mystery to him but not one to me.

"Well hello there Luke,I'm Gordon and I'm Just going to be kidnapping her today is that okay?" Gordon said and I rolled my eyes at his formality.

"Gordon you don't have to say you're going to kidnap me he will worry than." I say and lightly slap him upside the head than Zee came over with Michael.

Michael being Michael shy'd away from the stranger. Zee on the other hand looked at me kind of worried. She had been avoiding Cal recently and I was going to ask her about it. We had invited Ashton's sister to come to the movie with us for like a girls day and I asked Luke to bond with the guys. I didn't know how this was going to go I was hoping well but than again we were having horrible luck recently.

"Maeg you okay?" Zee asked and I just nodded.

"Yup, She is fine so are you going to introduce me or do I have to do all the work myself?" Gordon asked causing Luke to slowly grab for my hand or at least attempt to grasp my hand. His long fingers finally found my and we intertwined them.

"Oh I mean I guess I might as well." I said as Ashton, who we were all still slightly mad at and Calum came over.

"So guys this is my brother, Gordon Michael. He is my half brother and as you can tell we don't look alike. You said you brought Alex right?" I asked and he nodded.

"Alex is still sitting in the car over there." He pointed to the black suburban he had probably rented.

"Poor boy is probably burning up in that damn car mate aren't you hot in that jacket?" Ashton asked. Gordon kind of shrugged.

I on the other hand ran over to the car pulling Alex out of the car and hugging onto my younger brother by a year out of the car. I messed up his perfectly spiked hair as his calls it. I also make have licked my hand that rubbed it on his face. I than saw the other person sitting in the back on her phone. I slowly pretended I didn't see her as I walked back to the guys with my brother, Alex. Alex was a lot darker than both me and Gordon as his mom was mostly Native American. No one would ever believe a boy who looks kind of like Calum only with blondish hair was my brother. I smiled and hooked my arms around my brothers shoulders.

"So um are you skipping tha-" Zee got cut off mid sentence as a girl with beautiful blonde hair attacked me.

"Maegan!!!!" She screamed as she hugged me. She had ran full force at me knocking us both to the ground. Gordon and Alex had both moved out of the line of fire. I groaned in pain as she started to move.

"Megan your killing me." She laughed slightly and finally got up off of me. I got up and I looked at my group of my friends.

"Hi, I am here twin sister." Megan put out her hands and they all gawked at me like we had lost our minds.

"That's not possible twins look alike." Calum stated the obvious that we don't look alike.

"Actually no. We are fraternal twins meaning we are literally 2 different people. Why we don't look alike." Megan stated the obvious different being we don't look alike and I am shorter than her by roughly a couple inches.

"So I am um. I really need to stay for thera-"

"Maegan, Zee, Calum, Ashton,Michael and Lucas all inside now the groups are getting ready to start!" Janet yelled at us. I looked at my brother with pleading and hopeful eyes.

"Just give me an hour or two. Um go down the main road and turn lef-" I was in mid sentence giving directions when he just started walking off "Gordon Michael are you not listening to me!?"

"that's why I have GPS." He chuckled. "I will see you at home just come home sometime. I miss my annoying little sister." He smiled opening the door to the drivers side. Alex opened his door climbing in and Megan gives her finally goodbyes being really bubbly.

The black suburban drove off out of sight. I stood there looking at my friends who looked at me kind of hurt. I felt this twinge of guilt. I felt bad. Had I never told them about this? I kept let my thoughts eat at my insides as I followed my friends into the building.

"So we are going to be doing one of our final meetings for a few weeks as its almost time for days. I am going on a small short vacation. Um I need to finish up on some evaluations and talk with you each all personally but I think for today I just want to observe your little groups and how you work together. So we will be going down to the Music room and gym and I will let you pick and play around we may play a few games rememeber you are not obligated to-" I started to space out Janet.

I understand fully her need was to help but I just was not interest I felt guilt and I tired to shuffle the file folder I called my mind. I tried to pull up the events of meeting everyone. I thought I told Ash. I was for sure I told Ash I had other siblings. Michael lightly jabbed my side and signed kind of lowly 'Are you okay?' I signed back 'Yeah i am fine' He just kind of gave me a small frown and shook his head before listening to Janet again.

Once I was finally done spacing off I noticed everyone had gone down the gym but Michael and Luke. Luke was obviously waiting for me to hold his hand and Michael because he probably want to talk and figure things out. Michael was always good at reading people and was super careful when in reality no one was with him. I felt bad leaving all this baggage on him and telling him everything but who else is there to tell?

And in reality: Who else really cares and understands?

I stood up and grabbed Luke's hand intertwining our fingers. I hadn't told him anything about what was going on in my life and now I felt guilty and sick to my stomach. Once no one was paying attention down stairs in the gym I slowly made my exit and started to walk. I went in the bathroom and threw up I felt that guilty.

I looked around the Blue stall and pink painted walls. The floral pattern on the walls were coming off as they were just stickers. The bathroom would need to be done sometime but I didn't feel like getting up.I felt guilty. I had betrayed my own friends I felt like. I finally got up and made my way toward the doors. It's not like they would notice anyway besides I was always good at running away from my problems.

Maybe that's all I will ever be good at?

Running away that is.

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